Aplikasi ini hampir sama dengan SPB Shell Tapi yang membadakan adalah fitur didalam aplikasi persis seperti symbian UI atau pun HTC Style. Begitupun menu menyesuaikan dengan tampilan homescreen yang kita pilih.

Voyager Home Screen (vHome) is the most powerful desktop UI on Nokia phones.Give you HTC Sense and iPhone style UI on S60 , and totally free!
Powerful home screen features include:
* Beautiful big retro clock or analog clock
* News feeds and weathe
* Put all your apps into neat pages to flick through ,like iPhone
* One click on/off widgets: bluetooth, silent profile,phone lock.
* Send twits from home screen
- Unavailable
Voyager Home Screen (vHome) is the most powerful desktop UI on Nokia phones.Give you HTC Sense and iPhone style UI on S60 , and totally free!
Powerful home screen features include:
* Beautiful big retro clock or analog clock
* News feeds and weathe
* Put all your apps into neat pages to flick through ,like iPhone
* One click on/off widgets: bluetooth, silent profile,phone lock.
* Send twits from home screen
- Unavailable
Credits to daeva112 

balikin ke bentuk awal na gmn yaa??
keren bang..
Versi Terbarux ada atau tidak ?
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