THX for fahimmuchi


Secara keseluruhan CFW ini hampir sama dengan CFW-CFW lainnya tidak ada yang mencolok baik dari tema maupun tampilan homescreen. Dilihat dari change lognya pun terlihat biasa2 aja cuma dilihat dari performa memang sedikit cepat dari biasanya. Mari kita lihat performa CFW Swiftness melalui video ini cekidot......
Bagaimana menarik bukan? kalo tertarik ya tunggu apa lagi langsung aja download dan flash :)
:PNHT,Binh24,Rawand Kurdy,Coderus,Newcooller,Apex666,Goacenk,,Akks,Akshay5233,and to all DM members 

System and Primary Modifications:
Extra Sensor Settings(Now you will have tapping options)
Startup volume set to 10 which is maximum
Widget security disabled
USB Mass Storage Default(When you first connect the phone after flashing this firmware,you will see Mass Storage is selected by default
Send Everything from file browser(file browser app added)
Press _0_ to switch Bluetooth ON(open dialer and press and hold 0 to turn bluetooth on/off)
Some settings are open in menu like Bluetooth,Connection manager,Themes,etc
File Manager Tweak One Mod
File manager tweak Two Mod
prevent apps running in background(Saves RAM)
Tap to unlock(Just like nokia n8)with landscape too
Nokia 5800 XM audio codecs not the codes of N97
CPU and GPU are well optimised(CPU at 100 and GPU at 30)
Graphics Complexity is set to 1 for the fastest performance
Improved rotation speed(The rotation speed has been modded for faster rotation)
Removed show open apps(Now you won't see it when you click Options)
Heap size has been well optimised
New *#0000# menu modded by me(thanks to akks)
Lock screen & keys now changed to Restart(Now you can restart the phone with a single click)
Smooth Brightness control added
Browser Cache to E
Java permission mod added
Rom patcher 2.6 with 170 patches added in this CFW
Screen keyboard with four rows
Auto Rotate On by default
Writing Speed set to MAXIMUM
Preserve phone memory data even with uda flash(Exclusive mod)
Autokeyguard time(now you can set time when the phone will be autolock)
Summary After Call ON
Logs can be keep up to 365 days
Green light will be on during Charging the phone
Show Call Duration ON
Multimedia modifications:
Music player 15.2 with lyrics support added(Note:Your lrc or txt lyrics file must be the same name as your song and must be located in the same folder)
High-Quality Voice Recording (now you can record up to 12 hours with high quality audio)
New Photo,Music and Video menu(See Screenshots)
TTPOD has been added to the Music menu
Real Player has been added to the Video menu
Nokia Photo Browser has been added to the Photo menu
Real Player can now play video in both Portrait and Landscape(Exclusive mod)
Video recording and playback has been modded
Video Stabilization has been added for better quality Video Recording in low light condition(Exclusive Mod)
"Already in use Camera bug" fixed with touch button working!!!
N8-00 camera sounds for taking photos
Extra zoom on Camera
My own menu layout
Additional Shortcut Bars in Homescreen
New Splash and shut down screen
New two dots dialer icon
N8 Phonebook Groups icon
Symbian^3 icons
Symbian^3 Looking Clock both Analogue and Digital
Symbian^3 Theme effects
N series 1-4 themes added
Profile name has been changed from General to Swiftness
USB name now changed to Swiftness
Bluetooth name now changed to SwiftnessV3
Radio RDS fix
Applications to be installed in C using AI7:
5.Nokia Notifications v1.05(1) Icon^3
8.symtorrent_WAP Port (WAP 1.x) 9201
Applications already added in Z:
Conversation for CFW
Nokia File Browser
Zip Manager
System and Primary Modifications:
Extra Sensor Settings(Now you will have tapping options)
Startup volume set to 10 which is maximum
Widget security disabled
USB Mass Storage Default(When you first connect the phone after flashing this firmware,you will see Mass Storage is selected by default
Send Everything from file browser(file browser app added)
Press _0_ to switch Bluetooth ON(open dialer and press and hold 0 to turn bluetooth on/off)
Some settings are open in menu like Bluetooth,Connection manager,Themes,etc
File Manager Tweak One Mod
File manager tweak Two Mod
prevent apps running in background(Saves RAM)
Tap to unlock(Just like nokia n8)with landscape too
Nokia 5800 XM audio codecs not the codes of N97
CPU and GPU are well optimised(CPU at 100 and GPU at 30)
Graphics Complexity is set to 1 for the fastest performance
Improved rotation speed(The rotation speed has been modded for faster rotation)
Removed show open apps(Now you won't see it when you click Options)
Heap size has been well optimised
New *#0000# menu modded by me(thanks to akks)
Lock screen & keys now changed to Restart(Now you can restart the phone with a single click)
Smooth Brightness control added
Browser Cache to E
Java permission mod added
Rom patcher 2.6 with 170 patches added in this CFW
Screen keyboard with four rows
Auto Rotate On by default
Writing Speed set to MAXIMUM
Preserve phone memory data even with uda flash(Exclusive mod)
Autokeyguard time(now you can set time when the phone will be autolock)
Summary After Call ON
Logs can be keep up to 365 days
Green light will be on during Charging the phone
Show Call Duration ON
Multimedia modifications:
Music player 15.2 with lyrics support added(Note:Your lrc or txt lyrics file must be the same name as your song and must be located in the same folder)
High-Quality Voice Recording (now you can record up to 12 hours with high quality audio)
New Photo,Music and Video menu(See Screenshots)
TTPOD has been added to the Music menu
Real Player has been added to the Video menu
Nokia Photo Browser has been added to the Photo menu
Real Player can now play video in both Portrait and Landscape(Exclusive mod)
Video recording and playback has been modded
Video Stabilization has been added for better quality Video Recording in low light condition(Exclusive Mod)
"Already in use Camera bug" fixed with touch button working!!!
N8-00 camera sounds for taking photos
Extra zoom on Camera
My own menu layout
Additional Shortcut Bars in Homescreen
New Splash and shut down screen
New two dots dialer icon
N8 Phonebook Groups icon
Symbian^3 icons
Symbian^3 Looking Clock both Analogue and Digital
Symbian^3 Theme effects
N series 1-4 themes added
Profile name has been changed from General to Swiftness
USB name now changed to Swiftness
Bluetooth name now changed to SwiftnessV3
Radio RDS fix
Applications to be installed in C using AI7:
5.Nokia Notifications v1.05(1) Icon^3
8.symtorrent_WAP Port (WAP 1.x) 9201
Applications already added in Z:
Conversation for CFW
Nokia File Browser
Zip Manager


bro.. Mau nanya.. Aq newbie.. Data yg itu apa belum lengkap??? Apa perlu tmbahan lagi?? Aq dah download, aq pakek jaf.. Pas milih rm kan detect data bahan flash kan.. Tpi not found.. Apa ada yg kurang??? Klu kurang perlu data apalagi??? Maf ngrepotin.. Klu firmware yg asli datanya ada bnyak.. Bisa t flash.. Yg diatas cuma ada 3, yg 1 kan cuma advance.. Mhon pencerahan.. Tdi tak oplos ama yg asli.. Hpne gag mau hidup,hehehehe t balikin lgi dech... Tolong ya bro...
emang ane post CFW seperti diatas hanya menyertakan rofs2 dan uda.fpsx aja bro karena emng itu yg diedit kalo file sisa tetap memakai original CFW C6. ingat bukan original FW tapi original CFW C6. downloadnya coba cari di kategori original CFW C6 bro.
Mas Brow,., ntu yg 5530 v31, apa v32???
terbaru bro yang v32
bro...w udh flash pake ni kok pas idupin music playernya volumenya kecil bgt...trus di naikin volumenya kok gak ngaruh ya....suaranya tetap kecil...tlng donk bro..
ane mau install nokia notificationnya aja. dah download dah di install juga tapi kok gak ngaruh apa2 ya?
ane pake 5530 xpress music firmwarenya pake v.40...
tolong bantuannya gan,
original CFW C6 ni bisa ngak d pake untuk 5800 ?????
mas bro,ada yg domain semarang g?
ak mau dong hp ku d bwt ky gtu..
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