Nokia 5800 - RM-356 V52/C6 v20 - Carbon 6 Hybrid by jj_alukkas

Tuesday, June 7, 2011
THX for jj_alukkas :D


The mods used in this release are what I found on the mods thread. Thanks for all the modders who contributed to that thread. Icons used are the ported icons available on the forum from N8, E7 and C5 which I ripped again and replaced with the custom Icons which I found from all over the Internet. I didnt design the icons, just modded the files with what I found best.The bootscreen, shutdown screen, theme, battery Icon, menu design and structure are my own design, no names of creator or nothing, to make it look professional and branded as nobody likes names on it including myself!! Tongue Thanks to everyone over here!

● Intercept theme designed by me. Dark and blurred background for better focus, looks cool though. Default icons version and nothing, built in for speed. The icons you see are system icons. White fonts for better contrast everywhere. Translucent widget backgrounds tweaked finely for the best appearance with a futuristic feel. Keyboard is the default S60 one unmodified.
● 80% System Icons and series60skin icons have been modded manually to change the overall look of the phone on every aspect. You will have the feel of a fresh new OS running on your phone. Icons ripped from N8, E7, C5, C6, 5800 and custom icons from 3rd parties.
● Icons in the notification area have been modded including new message icon, keypad locked icon, USB connected icon, and battery icon. This changes the overall look found in no other cfw.
● Extremely fast, performance wise, fast screen rotation, boot speed and app open and close.
● Long battery life, speeds optimized without losing performance, battery lasts more than a day on average use. CPU can pump juice when the need arises!!
● N8 fonts used for a better visibilty in browser, but a futurustic as well as standard look suiting everyone.
● Boot and shutdown screen designed giving a standard look.
● Tap to unlock from C5-03 with landscaped operation enabled.
● No splash screen for faster boot, only boot screen.
● 5x4 Matrix menu rebuilt and customized by me with selected stunning icons for each folder. Direct access to themes and new refreshing icons for everything I could mod. Quick lock from menu for instant locking without slider button.
● Messaging system carries all new icons from E7 ported and bug fixed. Sent message history is now 500 and no grouping. Conversation app built in with new icons inside out.
● Show apps removed from options menu.
● Music player suite modded with only now playing, Music library and Radio only, no music store. RDS enabled and scans only the Music folder in Card. Exits back only to file manager and not to menu. Fast player with better response.
● General Profile renamed to Carbon 6.
● Restart option added in power button menu.
● Phone Device icon which shows up on pc when USB is connected has been modded by me to Black 5800 phone image rather than a generic phone.
● Default date set to 1 June 2011, no need to change year and month when flashing. Makes ur fone a more newer build Tongue
● Theme Effect disabled by default, built in in Fast and Stylish effect modded my me with turbo manifest, new app loader, theme loaders and app running icons. Doesnt slow phone much compared to default C6 port.
● New Notification widget built in with modded E7 icons by me, set to appear on homescreen on first boot.
● New OVI store with a new cool icon even if you plan not to use it.
● Widgets arranged and set to display on first boot.
● Bookmarks in now empty in web browser, clean and neat.
● Ringtone, Message tone, Email Tone, Alarm Tone all set to N8 tones.
● Replaced all built in Tones with N8 tones.
● BT switch, Quick Lock, Rompatcher+, Killme, Filebrowser, Autoinstaller all built into ROM.
● Filemanager has all icons replaced including folders.
● Bluetooth name to Carbon 6 Hybrid. Let your phone be different.
● Phone custom version and firmware version all updated.
● Nokia 5800's original audio codecs built in. No more creaking sounds, stereo sound and higher volume.
● Video Capture speed set to max 30fps for high quality videos.
● Media bar icons updated, fixed Video center launching bug.
● FOTA server removed for free space.
● Clock/profile widget is now removable, swipe to clear homescreen, added 4 shortcut bars, notification widget, auto arranged widgets on first boot.
● Usb name changed to Carbon 6, recognized as N97 mini for modem usage and as Nokia 5800 for Media transfer driver, updated the device icons. Default mode is PC suite for modem usage, backup and data transfer compatibilty.

● And asusual all the bla bla stuffs like caching on all drives, heap mods, battery mods, makes no sense to write it over and over in all the cfw's posted here.. Just try and see!!

I havent added the 4 row N8 keyboard as many people dont like it. If you like it, feel free to add yourself.

Quick Insructions:

● Use with files Nokia 5800 RM-356 52.0.007 of C6 v20 only!
● Make sure battery is atleast 40% full or higher.
● Use a data cable which is not loose at the socket to avoid dead phones.
● If you have fw version 52.0.101 running already on your phone, stop here as this will be a downgrade and you will kill your phone!

Pre-flash notes:

● Copy contacts as business card to memory card, donot backup settings and files in filemanager.
● Plugin phone in mass storage mode, delete data, private, sys, system, resource folders from memory card.
● Copy the hidden backup folder and others folder as a precautionary measure to your PC.
● Without diconnection, switch off phone.

Flash Procedure:

● Load files from C6 v20 and copy the attached UDA and ROFS2 files into the RM-356 folder.
● UDA intensionally left blank for more free space in Phone Memory.
● Flash as usual.
● Disconnect after completion.
● On Boot, after phone asks for country, wait for 10 secs before Inputing anything.
● When homescreen loads, you can restore contacts as business card and other backup data from filemanager.


ONLY FOR Nokia 5800 RM-356 C6v20 v52.0.007 or lower, NOT FOR v52.0.101




E-Series Sadja said...

Kalo pake ini, apa processor nya ga bekerja lbih berat dari kalo pke software yg ori ?? Apa HP jd mudah panas ?? Mohon kejelasannya, aq msih newbie soal ginian...

s60v5 Lover said...

ini tidak berpengaruh pada hardware hape mas hanya saja kadang2 ada yang boros baterai.

E-Series Sadja said...

owh bgtu ya.. thank's dah..

Anonymous said...

mau nya neh,,,
cara mggunkannya gmna,,,
mohon arahannya,,,,

Anonymous said...

numpang nanya ini pake core yg apa???

Aphink54 said...

gimana gan caranya ? :o
mohon bantuannya

over_dhozys said...

gan file lengkapnya apa za gan..ana pake nokia 5800 RM356 v10 pngen upgrade jd v520007 carbon 6 ini gan..
bisa gak..?
caranya gmn gan..?gan file lengkapnya apa za gan..ana pake nokia 5800 RM356 v10 pngen upgrade jd v520007 carbon 6 ini gan..
bisa gak..?
caranya gmn gan..?

Anonymous said...

misi gan ane adi mulya salam kenal gan
ane masih newbie dalam flashing s60v5
ane ada beberapa pertanyaan gan ?

1.katanya kalo downgrade bisa matiin hp ya..?
itu bisa di idupin lagi dengan flashing ke versi yang lebih tinggi..?

2.ane udah terlanjur pake v60.0.003 di 5800 , dan ane pengen banget bisa pake cfw ini ini.." kira2 bisa ga langsung downgrade gitu..?
apa harus di downgrade dulu baru di flashing pake cfw ini..?

tolong di jawab yah gan..
thanks before

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