CFW C6 for 5230 "Falcon 3 by sasha0786" (EnglishVer. Released)

Friday, May 27, 2011
Sebenarnya CFW ini sudah muncul agak lama cuma ini di release kembali dengan versi bahasa inggris yang sebelumnya berbahasa Rusia. Buat pengguna 5230 yang masih versi 40.0.003 jangan kuatir karena si empu CFW ini masih menyediakannya untuk kalian semua tapi belum dirilis ya :P. Jadi yang dirilis dengan bahasa inggris cuma V40.6.003. Untuk review ini nih ada dibawah....

Falcon 3 by sasha0786

Developer: sasha0786
Language: English, Russian (default)
Input languages: English, Russian, Ukrainian
Released: 05/11/2011
Compatibility: Nokia 5230 (40.0.003 & 40.6.003)

Changes compared with a net port of binh24

• Removed vetnamsky Language. Sewn Russian
• Removed vetnamsky input language. Sewn Russian and Ukrainian entry
• English keyboard layout is a grid 4x10 key Russian and Ukrainian - 3h11 (characters everywhere replaced)
• Removed unnecessary startup applications (voice commands as well)
• edit the script to execute when you first start
• In the setting of performance for speed interface, the quality of the effects is reduced to a minimum.
• Changed the kinetics
• Music library music player only scans the Music folder
• Gallery does not scan the system folder (and others)
• Enable the transfer of SIS-files through the standard App. Files
• The name of the default Bluetooth: Nokia 5230
• Sewn music player version 2.15
• In the submenu of the «Power» option "Lock screen and keys" changed to "Restart the phone"
• Edit the angles of the screen (such as in the Ultimate RS-7.2)
• Removed the flash in camera + work all modes of photos (thanks, dan-av)
• Added a smooth adjustment backlight
• Disabled Help. All applications are "asking" for StaticFeatures.dll the presence of the help system, the item "Spravaka" will not
• Used patched StaticFeatures.dll (Disabled WLAN, turn off the 3D calls Disabled "Video Call" Disconnected "Video sharing," Now when you press the Power button does not discharge to the desktop and a window appears with a choice of profiles, turning off the phone, etc.) (thanks newcooller)
• Removed the "Music Store"
• Enter any time autolock keyboard (thanks, dan-av)
• The Journal keeps a history of 365 days instead of 30 (thanks newcooller)
• The XM-bar "Share online" is replaced by BTSwith
• Sewn Ikonpak from H8 Graphics XM bar also replaced (thanks stbmrg)
• Replace the battery and network icons
• Sewn recent highlighting rules of the port c6 (works with a patch to disable the backlight)
• Some effects are edited by
• Replaced the font (from the Ultimate)
• Removed the animation and the sound of (for faster startup phone)
• Removed and topics NSeries1 NSeries2 + enclosing Theme Maurin by akbaruz (with my adjustments)
• Telephone everywhere defined as the Nokia 5230
• hide unnecessary menu shortcuts
• Some installed applications are placed immediately in the folder
• Remove the application e-mail because of its failure. Who should be enclosed Nokia Messaging 10.2 (26) for self-installation
• File Manager shows the actual folder names
• Changes in the values ​​of portrait / landscape mode (dialing and powermp3 only in the portrait)
• The labels on the buttons in the center
• Sewn Screen Lock Tap To Unlock
• Icon RealPlayer changing themes
• Sewn dialer like C6v20
Removed / disabled:
• Wlan, access point and the widget Easy Wlan Wizard Wlan (incidentally, the widget "Internet Phone" is also no)
• Help
• Requests widgets for accessing the Internet
• Communication - Install the application from an untrusted source? - When installing applications
• The message "ready" for USSD requests
• The message "Reject and send a message"
• Caching is a standard application
• Item Open App.
• Contact OVI
• Music OVI
• Shop OVI
• Remove Channels video from Video and TV
• Sharing the internet from Photo
• Help from the Menu Options
• Welcome, My Nokia, About, On-line support, sharing the Internet, Chat, Search, Podcasts

Setting a standard application \ default settings:
• Configure USB - hard drive by default, without inquiry when connecting
• Time autolock the phone - 55 seconds
• Light time-out - 30 sec
• Window select the audio device when you connect external headphones
• booting broken downloads in the browser + added indexes domains (ru, ua, by) + replace unwanted bookmarks: Forum ALLNOKIA, Google, YouTube, VKontakte
• Is the SMS delivery report
• Number of storable messages - 999
• prescribed server for A-GPS
• PowerMP3 1.17 (with my collection of skins) + added to the Music menu (so that it appears, you need to run the automatic installation Autoinstaller'e)
• DzMusicKey 2.0 + added to the Music menu (the program appeared to be Autoinstaller'e run the automatic installation. Not directly sewn in order to be able to put it in autostart)
• For Your Eears Only + added to the Music menu (who does not know, this is a very handy utility for the suspension of play in standard player, song, and pulling out the headphone plug. This program must be running in the background. Do not worry, RAM and battery it almost does not "eat". JBakTaskman Council through to put it in autostart and hidden processes - so that the eyes are not corn)
• RomPatcher 2.6 with the patch: c2z, Open 4 All + and Turn Off Key Light (when charging the green button still will burn - thanks operator_555)
• Autoinstaller (in its folder, find PowerMP3 1.17 with my puck Skins + DzMusicKey - it is not sewn directly, so you can put it in autostart)
• Russian language dictionary
• Russian language to read messages
• For more widgets link 3,4,5
• Widget Notices
• Ovi Maps 3.06 Release (ATP OPERATOR_555)
• Added default contact picture if it is not worth picture
• Changed information about software

Changes from version 1.0

Fixed a bug with the inability to turn off the "Say caller's name" (returned home a set of numbers)
• Fixed bug with entering text (While pressing the buttons in the alphanumeric keypad to enter letters first, and then later figure)
• Sewn new Series60Skin (from fashion Ultimate RS-7.2)
• Replace the icon of the Journal of the call (from the Ultimate RS-7.2)
• Sewn AccelSwitch + put in the XM-bar instead of the browser (so that it appears, you need to run the automatic installation Autoinstaller'e)
• Music folder is automatically created if it does not exist on your memory card
• Sew four equalizer settings from michalkepa (that they appear, you need to run the automatic installation Autoinstaller'e)

Changes from version 1.1

Dialer like S6v20 (but without searching for contacts - contact him do not run at all. I hope soon binh24 is correct)
• Restored the recorder
• Fixed a problem with the installation of Best Screen Snap
• Flexible menu 3x4 and 4x4 - through sewn Utility Menu Switch dan-av (+ I changed the application icon and the size of icons in the menu)
• When entering text, click "OK" button and select the keyboard are swapped (dan-av)
• Enhanced text entry field in an alphanumeric keyboard (dan-av)
• Sew the core of Shazam (operator_555). Now you can install a version of Shazam, which is attached to this post
• Fixed label: When an incoming call (it was "Slide to answer" was the reply. "It was" The shift to unlock "became" Unlock "), in contact (it was the" Delete from the hut, "was -" Remove from Favorites " )
• The XM-Bar signature "Internet" is replaced by «Accel Switch» (and even in the last version of the program and nkonku replaced, but about the inscription forgot)
• Instead of white threads NSeries 3, enclosing my - Falcon 2 (to create it, I used the theme HitamNB known temostroitelya IND190, for which he thank you very much)

Changes compared with version 2

• Maud repacked under the core, which binh24 overlaid with data port (Note: With the kernel from previous versions of Falcon phone will not turn on. Flash is necessary only with a kernel that comes with this mod)
• Writing on the soft buttons on the center (thanks, dan-av in the last fix)
• Fix release version alphanumeric keypad on the dan-av
• New Fixed QWERTY keyboard on the dan-av (for which he thanks again)
• Removed the keyboard miniQWERTY (displayed incorrectly due to the above-mentioned fixing the keyboard)
• Removed items updates from the Options menu when typing * # 0000 #
• Subject: Falcon 2 replaced by an interesting creation of HTC grey giulio7g (in XM-panel I just replaced the icons "Sharing the Internet on« BTSwitch »and icon" Browser "to" AccelSwitch ")
• Sewn flash lite 3.17.1 from C6 (thanks, Dimid)
• Now, when off the accelerometer, the screen can be fixed in the landscape (thanks, Mortin)
• Faster turn the screen
• enclosing the inclusion of new animation
• In the gallery button in Internet Sharing "is replaced by the familiar to us" Delete "(in preview mode) and on the" Slideshow "(full screen) (thanks, PriZZZrak)
• Please note that the search for contacts from windows dialer only works on numbers. Ie the caller's name must contain at least one digit, it is suggested that when dialing
• The recorder is hidden from the menu due to its inoperability (does not start after enclosing the above Fitch keyboard)
• For a quick start contacts and messages, including caching
as u can see the speed with special 10283344.txt
• Batterylife is same as original fw

Source: LINK

Rofs2 V40.6.003



eri said...

ini faile sisanya pake yg mna booosssss.... bantuin yah...

eri said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
eri said...

kok failnya cuma satu tok??? pusing gan,pdhl klo flash tu hrus mnimal 6 fail??? lha sisanya kmna tu gan??

s60v5 Lover said...

eri: pake original CFW C6 gan yg pernah ane post sebelumnya.

Warung Genomz said...

bos buat 5800 ada g ??

s60v5 Lover said...

gak ada gan karena pembuat CFW ini gak punya 5800

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