Huahhh........ sampe ngantuk ane nunggu N97 buat ni SZEO. ya dari pada gak posting CFW sama sekali ane kasih CFW jadul aja ya, lumayan juga ini CFW. Versi terbaru Seri Electron by rohit yang pernah ane posting jaman doeloe.
Tidak lupa mengucapkan terima kasih buat abang ROHIT :)
ulasannya lihat sendiri dibawah ya, kalo gk paham translate aja di google :D
Video by demonyx, Do give him a +1.

9 Homescreens :
- Vodafone
- Orange Tsunami (Installed in E:\) [Symbian^3 Style]
- Orange Tornado
- Flash Live (Default is N97 mini Widgeted HS by liliantungary)
- Basic
- Contacts Bar
- Shortcuts Bar
- Full Page
- Navigation Bar (Satio HS)
Special Mods :
- Increased Response Rate (Now touchscreen will be more responsive)
- Brand New CPU mod to boost performance.
Speed Mods :
- CPU Optimized : It will run in full speed when needed and will underclock when in IDLE condition.So no much drainage to battery.
- User Interface and Games framerate increased from 22 to 30 fps.
- New CPU settings to boost performance
- RAM Cache in E:\ for better performance
- Battery Optimised (Superb Battery life like the ofw).
- System Heap Size Increased [It reduces application delay close time]
- Super Fast Screen Rotation
- CPU load decreased (Get a very fast phone)
- Reduced effects complexity which should result in a speed increase
- Increased Heap Size further to boost up performance
Miscellaneous Mods :
- Real Hack!! by PNHT, No need to use installserver.rmp patch.
- Nokia SMS Sending (My Nokia) Disabled
- Ovi Contacts Totally Disabled
- Camera Sound is disabled if u select Camera Tone 3 or if warning tones are off
- Now you can record up to 12 Hours
- Polished the UI for heavy usage
- You can now play games better
- Zero start up of background applications
- Clock, Calendar, Logs will not stay in background after closing (Saves RAM).
- "In call timer" and "Delivery Reports" ON by default
- Default Bluetooth Name : Electron!!
- Profile General Renamed to "Electron".
- Voice Recording quality improved
- Operator Logo ON/OFF settings available in homescreen settings
- Tacticle Vibration Feedback turned OFF in "Electron" profile by default
- SwiPolicy changed which enable to install almost apps without RomPatcher patch (Works 99%)
Applications :
- Rompatcher with autostart
- Vivaz Conversation (integrated in messaging)
- AutoInstaller
- Kill Me
- BTswitch
- New Improved File Browser
Installed in E:\
- Widgetizer v1.04
- Orange Tsunami Symbian^3 Style
- Best Screensnap
- Opera Mini
- Nokia Custom Dictionary
Graphical Personalisations :
- Electron Shutdownscreen
- Electron Splashscreen
- Nokia Bootscreen Removed (You can add your own startup.gif at C:\data\boot\)
- Modded Xtreme Menu [Thanks to Upakul]
- Nokia C6 Green Menu Busy Circle
- Theme Effects: Speed Type 2 by Joker with Super Turbo Manifest
- Place your own startup.gif and startup.mp3 and shutdown.jpg in C:\data\boot\ to enjoy new bootscreen/shutdownscreen anytime.
- Default Fonts Used
Gallery :
- Gallery Browsing Speed Increased.
- Gallery will not search this folder "E:\Secret Videos\" keep ur secret material here.
- Wallpapers should be kept in the folder "E:\Wallpapers\" so that they will not be shown in Gallery.
Web Browser :
- Default Web Browser Cache increased to 10 MB and moved to E:\
- "Rotate" Option in Browser.
File Manager :
- Nokia default file browser can send sisx, sis, jar and any protected items via bluetooth, mms and uploads
- Nokia default file browser will show system folders and root folder (Just enable ReadCroot.rmp Patch)
Music Player :
- Music Player Reads only E:\Sounds\My Music\ and E:\Music\
- Music player speed highly accelerated.
- Music Player response highly increased (Instantly pauses/plays on clicking the buttons)
- Refresh faster.
Kinetic Scrolling :
- N8 Kinetic Scrolling by Hidden Identity.
- Kinetic Scrolling is much smoother now.
- Lags in Menu and Other Large Applications removed
Themes :
- Nokia Theme White [C6 default]
- In 8HS variant : Nokia Blue [5250 default], Navigator-X
- - Theme effects ON by default
All Provided Patches :
Show system files.rmp - Shows all system folder and files in C: and E:
Remove Red Recording LED.rmp - Removes the RED led that lights up during Video Recording
Record Tone OFF.rmp - Turns off call recorder beep during recording
Remove Show Open Apps - Removes the "Show Open Applications" tab from options menu
Block GPRS & WLAN.rmp - Blocks bluetooth and WLAN
Disable Logs.rmp - Disables LOG application
Lock Settings.rmp - Disables settings application
Lock Bluetooth.rmp - Locks the bluetooth
Lock USB data.rmp - Locks USB connectivity
Lock Installation.rmp - Prevents installing of any softwares
Activate Bass Effects.rmp - Activates the bass effects
c2z4bin THUMB.rmp - c2z like patch for binary files
12 months call log.rmp - Increases log period from 30days to 12months
LCD Light ON.rmp - Keeps the LCD backlight ON
Show typed Password.rmp - Shows the typed password instead of "*"
Show hidden options.rmp - Shows hidden options in options menu
Restart Power Button.rmp - Long press power Button to Restart device
Short Multi Tap.rmp - Decreases the waiting time between pressing of two keys
Global Note Fix.rmp - Removes all popup notes (Base patch)
Disable Enh Note.rmp - Disables 'enhancement connected' notes
Disable USSD Notes.rmp - Disable operator USSD notes
No Profile Switch Note.rmp - Removes the popup note that opens when profiles are changed
ReadCRoot: Shows all C: drive contents on default File Manager (This Patch is buggy, be carefull)
Full Using Instructions :
1. Use ORIGINAL rofs2 along with my ROFS3.
2. Format memory card before flashing or delete these folders by connecting your phone to PC via mass storage mode : Private, Resource, Sys, System
3. Flash!
4. Dont open anything just after flashing.
5. Hard Reset by *#7370#.
6. Run Autoinstaller in applications folder.It'll install some needed apps.
7. You can now use your phone normally.
Flash HS Related Problems and Solutions
Volume Bug Solution: 1st go to your basic HS, then set your volume to high, then again set your HS to Flash HS
then see what will happen when you use your volume buttons! (Works on some cases but no guarantees)
I Can't See Tsunami HS
Solution: Run Autoinstaller to install Tsunami along with some useful apps.
OVI Store is not Working
Solution : Try installing it manually from E:\ThinkChange\C\
Useful Download Links
- Download OVI Store
- Download C6 Orginal Themes
- Download Nokia Original Dark Themes
Tidak lupa mengucapkan terima kasih buat abang ROHIT :)
ulasannya lihat sendiri dibawah ya, kalo gk paham translate aja di google :D
Video by demonyx, Do give him a +1.

9 Homescreens :
- Vodafone
- Orange Tsunami (Installed in E:\) [Symbian^3 Style]
- Orange Tornado
- Flash Live (Default is N97 mini Widgeted HS by liliantungary)
- Basic
- Contacts Bar
- Shortcuts Bar
- Full Page
- Navigation Bar (Satio HS)
Mods :
Special Mods :
- Increased Response Rate (Now touchscreen will be more responsive)
- Brand New CPU mod to boost performance.
Speed Mods :
- CPU Optimized : It will run in full speed when needed and will underclock when in IDLE condition.So no much drainage to battery.
- User Interface and Games framerate increased from 22 to 30 fps.
- New CPU settings to boost performance
- RAM Cache in E:\ for better performance
- Battery Optimised (Superb Battery life like the ofw).
- System Heap Size Increased [It reduces application delay close time]
- Super Fast Screen Rotation
- CPU load decreased (Get a very fast phone)
- Reduced effects complexity which should result in a speed increase
- Increased Heap Size further to boost up performance
Miscellaneous Mods :
- Real Hack!! by PNHT, No need to use installserver.rmp patch.
- Nokia SMS Sending (My Nokia) Disabled
- Ovi Contacts Totally Disabled
- Camera Sound is disabled if u select Camera Tone 3 or if warning tones are off
- Now you can record up to 12 Hours
- Polished the UI for heavy usage
- You can now play games better
- Zero start up of background applications
- Clock, Calendar, Logs will not stay in background after closing (Saves RAM).
- "In call timer" and "Delivery Reports" ON by default
- Default Bluetooth Name : Electron!!
- Profile General Renamed to "Electron".
- Voice Recording quality improved
- Operator Logo ON/OFF settings available in homescreen settings
- Tacticle Vibration Feedback turned OFF in "Electron" profile by default
- SwiPolicy changed which enable to install almost apps without RomPatcher patch (Works 99%)
Applications :
- Rompatcher with autostart
- Vivaz Conversation (integrated in messaging)
- AutoInstaller
- Kill Me
- BTswitch
- New Improved File Browser
Installed in E:\
- Widgetizer v1.04
- Orange Tsunami Symbian^3 Style
- Best Screensnap
- Opera Mini
- Nokia Custom Dictionary
Graphical Personalisations :
- Electron Shutdownscreen
- Electron Splashscreen
- Nokia Bootscreen Removed (You can add your own startup.gif at C:\data\boot\)
- Modded Xtreme Menu [Thanks to Upakul]
- Nokia C6 Green Menu Busy Circle
- Theme Effects: Speed Type 2 by Joker with Super Turbo Manifest
- Place your own startup.gif and startup.mp3 and shutdown.jpg in C:\data\boot\ to enjoy new bootscreen/shutdownscreen anytime.
- Default Fonts Used
Gallery :
- Gallery Browsing Speed Increased.
- Gallery will not search this folder "E:\Secret Videos\" keep ur secret material here.
- Wallpapers should be kept in the folder "E:\Wallpapers\" so that they will not be shown in Gallery.
Web Browser :
- Default Web Browser Cache increased to 10 MB and moved to E:\
- "Rotate" Option in Browser.
File Manager :
- Nokia default file browser can send sisx, sis, jar and any protected items via bluetooth, mms and uploads
- Nokia default file browser will show system folders and root folder (Just enable ReadCroot.rmp Patch)
Music Player :
- Music Player Reads only E:\Sounds\My Music\ and E:\Music\
- Music player speed highly accelerated.
- Music Player response highly increased (Instantly pauses/plays on clicking the buttons)
- Refresh faster.
Kinetic Scrolling :
- N8 Kinetic Scrolling by Hidden Identity.
- Kinetic Scrolling is much smoother now.
- Lags in Menu and Other Large Applications removed
Themes :
- Nokia Theme White [C6 default]
- In 8HS variant : Nokia Blue [5250 default], Navigator-X
- - Theme effects ON by default
All Provided Patches :
Show system files.rmp - Shows all system folder and files in C: and E:
Remove Red Recording LED.rmp - Removes the RED led that lights up during Video Recording
Record Tone OFF.rmp - Turns off call recorder beep during recording
Remove Show Open Apps - Removes the "Show Open Applications" tab from options menu
Block GPRS & WLAN.rmp - Blocks bluetooth and WLAN
Disable Logs.rmp - Disables LOG application
Lock Settings.rmp - Disables settings application
Lock Bluetooth.rmp - Locks the bluetooth
Lock USB data.rmp - Locks USB connectivity
Lock Installation.rmp - Prevents installing of any softwares
Activate Bass Effects.rmp - Activates the bass effects
c2z4bin THUMB.rmp - c2z like patch for binary files
12 months call log.rmp - Increases log period from 30days to 12months
LCD Light ON.rmp - Keeps the LCD backlight ON
Show typed Password.rmp - Shows the typed password instead of "*"
Show hidden options.rmp - Shows hidden options in options menu
Restart Power Button.rmp - Long press power Button to Restart device
Short Multi Tap.rmp - Decreases the waiting time between pressing of two keys
Global Note Fix.rmp - Removes all popup notes (Base patch)
Disable Enh Note.rmp - Disables 'enhancement connected' notes
Disable USSD Notes.rmp - Disable operator USSD notes
No Profile Switch Note.rmp - Removes the popup note that opens when profiles are changed
ReadCRoot: Shows all C: drive contents on default File Manager (This Patch is buggy, be carefull)
1. Use ORIGINAL rofs2 along with my ROFS3.
2. Format memory card before flashing or delete these folders by connecting your phone to PC via mass storage mode : Private, Resource, Sys, System
3. Flash!
4. Dont open anything just after flashing.
5. Hard Reset by *#7370#.
6. Run Autoinstaller in applications folder.It'll install some needed apps.
7. You can now use your phone normally.
Ignoring one of these steps will result in a buggy phone
Flash HS Related Problems and Solutions
Volume Bug Solution: 1st go to your basic HS, then set your volume to high, then again set your HS to Flash HS
then see what will happen when you use your volume buttons! (Works on some cases but no guarantees)
I Can't See Tsunami HS
Solution: Run Autoinstaller to install Tsunami along with some useful apps.
OVI Store is not Working
Solution : Try installing it manually from E:\ThinkChange\C\
Useful Download Links
- Download OVI Store
- Download C6 Orginal Themes
- Download Nokia Original Dark Themes
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