XtreME-C6 By ankitr96 Nokia 523X
SuperB CFW EveR...
berhubung masih banyak permintaan CFW buat tipe hape 5230 dan 5233 ya udah deh ane kasih ini buatan ankit96 dengan CFW Xtreme-nya. Thanks aja deh buat bro ankit96 :D Buat review cekidot.....
Hello.Friends Going to release My First Modded CFW Based PNHT and binh24 C6 Ported FW v40.
Sorry For My Bad English,Correct me if i m incorrect & A Great full thnx to PNHT..!!
Finally i Have Manage Time To Release XtreMe^1 Ultimate,Because You all love My CFW So this time have Customize My CFW Very Nicely That no other CFW can Give You The Superb Graphical Changes,Performance & Stabilty...!!
Thank You All....!!
Comments Are Always Appreciated To Encourage Me to CooK More Releases in Future....

XtreMe^1 Ultimate:

Changes Over XtreMe Previous Releases:
+ Improvements in battery performance
+ Improved speed and more stable!
+ High-speed, highly sensitive sensors such as watched at every move.
+ Many new elements added
+ All E7 icons Used By vova1609.
+ Default Bluetooth Name: XtreMe^1 Ultimate.
+ Profile Name Changed To XtreMe^1.
+ All Default Themes Removed.
+ Default Theme:Nu_Black by IND190. ( Added Themes Titanium Black,Nokia Theme Black by LA,Nokia Theme White)
+ C7 PR2 Theme Effects are Used by Akshay5233.
+ Tap To Unlock C5-03.
+ Extended Menu.
+ Ovi Splash Screens are used (For Giving a Officail LooK)
+ Additional Shortcut bars Added.
+ Applications Added: Autoinstaller,Appstop
+ Fake 3.5g icon Used,Memory Card icon & Battery icon By Djrazz.
+ S^3 Digital Clock Used.
+ iPhone Kinetic Scrolling.
+ Camera Flash Option Removed.
+ Music Key Fixed.
+ Theme effects on By Default iwalkwithshadow.
+ Autorotate On By Default.
+ S^3 Fonts Used.
+ Optimized UI For More Speed & Stabilty.
Hello.Friends Going to release My First Modded CFW Based PNHT and binh24 C6 Ported FW v40.
Sorry For My Bad English,Correct me if i m incorrect & A Great full thnx to PNHT..!!
Finally i Have Manage Time To Release XtreMe^1 Ultimate,Because You all love My CFW So this time have Customize My CFW Very Nicely That no other CFW can Give You The Superb Graphical Changes,Performance & Stabilty...!!
Thank You All....!!
Comments Are Always Appreciated To Encourage Me to CooK More Releases in Future....
Changes Over XtreMe Previous Releases:
+ Improvements in battery performance
+ Improved speed and more stable!
+ High-speed, highly sensitive sensors such as watched at every move.
+ Many new elements added
+ All E7 icons Used By vova1609.
+ Default Bluetooth Name: XtreMe^1 Ultimate.
+ Profile Name Changed To XtreMe^1.
+ All Default Themes Removed.
+ Default Theme:Nu_Black by IND190. ( Added Themes Titanium Black,Nokia Theme Black by LA,Nokia Theme White)
+ C7 PR2 Theme Effects are Used by Akshay5233.
+ Tap To Unlock C5-03.
+ Extended Menu.
+ Ovi Splash Screens are used (For Giving a Officail LooK)
+ Additional Shortcut bars Added.
+ Applications Added: Autoinstaller,Appstop
+ Fake 3.5g icon Used,Memory Card icon & Battery icon By Djrazz.
+ S^3 Digital Clock Used.
+ iPhone Kinetic Scrolling.
+ Camera Flash Option Removed.
+ Music Key Fixed.
+ Theme effects on By Default iwalkwithshadow.
+ Autorotate On By Default.
+ S^3 Fonts Used.
+ Optimized UI For More Speed & Stabilty.

Nokia 5230 RM-588 v40.6

gan cfw extreme ini sama cfw unleashed tribute bagusan mana??? thx.
jelas tribute donk gan, tp skrg ane pake yg ini. ya skedar coba2 aja
untuk nokia 5800 xm bisa gak. . . ?
pastinya bisa banget gan
eh ternyata bgusan tribute tho..., untung q msh pake tribute nw gan. tapi q ngiri ma model toolbar yg tulisanya di tengah m kotak jamnya yg mirip bgt m n8.... Gan rofs tribute bisa di modif pake toolbar n clock dari rofs extrem ini g??? klo bisa file yg mana yg diextrak dari cfw extrem ini...( utk toolbar m cloknya aja) biar bisa di replace ke rofs ribute... tolong bgt y gan dah ngebeeet nw.... heeee thanks atas bantuannya
o y 1 xlg gan, klo rofs udh dipack kok jadi namanya rebuid.xxx, biar jadi xxxx.rofs2 gmana gan?? di rename extnya tao gmana...??? thx
casper: ane kemarin download file tribute tp hp ngebrick...
kl buat file ankit ini file pendukung download dmn?bisa kasih link nya g?
casper: klo toolbar ditengah tinggal unpack tribute trus dikasih mod itu gan. utk clocknya hanya tema aja jadi bukan mod. tulisan rebuild tirename seperti biasa bisa kok malahan tanpa direname juga gk mslah.
anonim: maksudnya gimana gan?
anoy: hpq 5233 dah sy flash tribute tdk ngebrik. skrg dah q mod jg bwt clock dan softkey jadi S^3 clock dan "center text" yg mirip tampilan n8. q dapat filenya di forum daily.
caara pakenya bijimane?
gan,ane kok pke cwf c6 yang buat 5233 gak pernah berhasil???sebenerya setelah ane download file yang diatas tadi,terus file yang laennya itu pke punyanya 5233 atau pke punya c6???bgg ane...
gan kok Virtual_PKEY_V4 ga bisa jalannya...ane pake win 7
gan, caranya gmn gan..?
ane udah download n udah file RM-625_40.1.003_prd.rofs2 ane udh kopi ke folder rm-625.
tp setelah flash hasilnya kok tetap aja gan..ga berubah, ga kayak c6
gan,,kalo cara ngerubah fw yang tmpilan menunya 3x4 mjd 4x4 ato 4x5 itu pke NFE gmana carany??
bisa buat CFW ato FW original???
zab: di flash gan.
ardi: pake CFW C6 gan sisanya.
anonim: yg gk bisa itu JAFnya gan. biar bisa dipake di windows 7, pada icon JAF pada desktop di klik kanan kemudian cari compability menjadi windows XP2 atau vista.
syam: folder sebelumnya sudah dibersihkan semua kan?
gmna cara flash gan
kasih tw donk
msh newbie nih
jd masksudnya gini ya gan :
1.setelah ane download difile yg 8 buah RM-625 di http://www.btusers.com.
2.ane flash hp ane.
3.ane download nokia-52335230-xtreme-c6-superb-cfw.
4.ane bersihin file di dalam C: \ Program Files \ Nokia \ Phoenix \ Products \RM-625.
5.ane extrak dan copy file nokia-52335230-xtreme-c6-superb-cfw yg isinya cuma satu (1) biji ke dalam C: \ Program Files \ Nokia \ Phoenix \ Products \RM-625. (berarti isinya didalm foldernya jadi 1 biji ya gan..?)
6.ane flash ulang lagi.
7. begitu ya gan...?
udah berhasil gan,matur suwun...ane pake punyanya tribute..lebih jos gan..

nitip link gan www.lirik-ttpod.blogspot.com
kalo tanpa flshing via box bisa ga om?
gak bisa gan karna box sudah paten dari sononya. Tapi kalo mau sedikit ribet langsung aja firmware yang ada dalam box direplace dengan CFW.
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