Maaf banget nih yang sudah komentar-komentar belum sempat ane bales dan blog yang belum sempat diupdate karena ane sakit agak lama jadi gak bisa bales komentar di blog maupun yang sudah sms ane (kok tau nomor hape ane dari mana ya???????) yang belum sempat kebales juga :D Jadi beribu maaf aja ya :p.
Oke kayaknya ane mulai bisa update blog lagi ini cs dah agak sembuh lagian kasian pembaca yang nunggu updatenan blog dan yang sudah reques-reques belum sempat ditanggepin. Ane awalin update CFW buat 5800 buatan mughalmab dari kuwait nih (wew....) dilihat dari interface menarik banget seperti tampilan S60^3, swipe lock yang menarik serta menu grid hampir menyerupai iPhone 4. Wow bener-bener menarik dan patut dicoba ini CFW. Ane gak bosan-bosan untuk ingetin sebelum flashing CFW alangkah baiknya folder sys,system,private dan resource dalam MMC dihapus dahulu jadi bisa sangat optimal ketika selesai flashing (tidak ada cross dg aplikasi tertentu).
Cukup penjelasannya mari kita lihat apa aja sih keungguluan CFW ini? cekidot....
Dailymobile.se best site than others
PNHT.org Team
Mara for his light effects MOD
NP for his MODS
and all other modders.....
Hi Friends,
This is a Fastest and all bug fixed Cfw ever..
Languages: English, English and Spanish
If you are still in V51 then you can directly flash your phone with this no need to update you phone from ovi suite/software updater.
Music Player bug fixed(opens menu on exit) & searches for music only in E/Musi.c
Music Player refresh library very fast & added misic stopper in music menu.
3D Photo Browser added in photos menu,searches for pictures very faster.
Battery Mod gives a better battery life.
You will get 60+ MB free Ram on start up & and ur phone will work faster even if Ram is low.So Dont wory about Ram just enjoy the fastness.80+ Free memmory on C/.
Name changed.USB=Nokia5800Blade, Bluetooth=Nokia 5800 Blade, Profile=Blade.
"Camera aready in Use" bug fixed.
4 x 4 Matrix menu mod which looks better than 4 x 5 menu.
TV out bug fixed.
Voice Commands added,voices=Ellen,Martin.
Maps 3.06 Beta4 added.
This is new mod for auto keyguard lock you can choose ur own time like in original Firmware.
Mara's lights mods v2 behaves like original 5800 v52,with dimming effects and green light on while chargine.Best mod ever.
All new ringtones added.
Resumable downloads mod.If ur phone restarts by mistake like battery empty,etc then you can resume ur downloads easily.
No more laggy on memu fully modded for fastest scrolling.
Default rotating in Web Browser even if sensors are off.
auto rotate QWERY keyboard 2011 Mod.
WiFi Fully Fixed.
Lags in photos when browsing for previous and next pictures now fixed
Adobe reader and Quick office will install without components built in error
Removes unused applications.
Restart added instead of Lock screen and keypads.
Polished the UI for heavy usage.
CPU mod optimized to get complete stability and a great battery life.
Highly Increased Application/Gaming frame rates.
A very new and Amazing Theme Effects make your phone looks very amazing when you are using it.
Full N8 iconpack by binh24 used.
N8 Swipe to Unlock theme with Landscape support and N8 dialer.
OVI Suite will recognise your phone as Nokia C6-00. However every website including OVI Store will recognise your phone as Nokia N97 mini.
C5-03 Keyboard Layout added.
Camera Sound will be disabled if you select Capture Tone3.
Voice recording during call fixed. Your phone won't crash if you record and call someone at the same time.
RAM Cache in C:\ for better performance.
Blazing Fast Screen Rotation.
If You press and hold 0 button from dialer,Bluetooth will switch on/off.
Enabled lock/unlock vibration.
Auto optimization of RAM cache for keeping up your phone faster even after heavy usage.
N8 Digital clock fonts.
Removed "Check for Updates" in Device Updates and also from *#0000# menu.
Radio bug, Multilanguage Bug fixed.
Messages sent by you will be saved up to 500 messages,Delivery reports ON by default, Conversation added in messages menu...
"Show Open Apps" Removed.
All new Splash screen and Shutdown screen adden & Startup animation removed for faster startup.You can install your own startup screens.
.Centered text mod
.Extended menu mod (check your menu before and after flashing)
.more smoothness in scrolling
.more fastness than before
.great sound quality
.multi language fix mod v2
.and many more....
Applications included on Z/:
Music Stopper
Photo Browser
New Music Player 15.2 with lyrics support
BT Switch
File Browser
Auto Installer
ROMPatcher 3.06 by Il.Socio
Zip Manager Default
Ovi sync used by many people
Share online Default
Horizon Black (Original C6 Black Theme)
White (Original C6 White Theme)
Leather Black
If you Have Problem installing Qt or Python ask me.
While installing Python unckeck the pips to install it successfully because pips is builtin with maps3.06
Click Here to download Python
For Qt.Download this Qt total pack.zip extract all 5 files and install them:QT Total Pack.zip Click Here
Check This out

Hi guys I created this widget from oviappwizard.com
but I cant give u any wgz file bcoz its still underprocess in ovi store and it ill take 2 more days to come so try this links from ur nokia browser to download..
http://oviappwizard.com/get.jsp?pp=554de5 Funny picture
http://oviappwizard.com/get.jsp?pp=554c3c Daily Mobile
copy these links to ur browser or download the txt file,open in ur fone and download directly to ur phone
Dailymobile.se best site than others
PNHT.org Team
Mara for his light effects MOD
NP for his MODS
and all other modders.....
Hi Friends,
This is a Fastest and all bug fixed Cfw ever..
Languages: English, English and Spanish
If you are still in V51 then you can directly flash your phone with this no need to update you phone from ovi suite/software updater.
Music Player bug fixed(opens menu on exit) & searches for music only in E/Musi.c
Music Player refresh library very fast & added misic stopper in music menu.
3D Photo Browser added in photos menu,searches for pictures very faster.
Battery Mod gives a better battery life.
You will get 60+ MB free Ram on start up & and ur phone will work faster even if Ram is low.So Dont wory about Ram just enjoy the fastness.80+ Free memmory on C/.
Name changed.USB=Nokia5800Blade, Bluetooth=Nokia 5800 Blade, Profile=Blade.
"Camera aready in Use" bug fixed.
4 x 4 Matrix menu mod which looks better than 4 x 5 menu.
TV out bug fixed.
Voice Commands added,voices=Ellen,Martin.
Maps 3.06 Beta4 added.
This is new mod for auto keyguard lock you can choose ur own time like in original Firmware.
Mara's lights mods v2 behaves like original 5800 v52,with dimming effects and green light on while chargine.Best mod ever.
All new ringtones added.
Resumable downloads mod.If ur phone restarts by mistake like battery empty,etc then you can resume ur downloads easily.
No more laggy on memu fully modded for fastest scrolling.
Default rotating in Web Browser even if sensors are off.
auto rotate QWERY keyboard 2011 Mod.
WiFi Fully Fixed.
Lags in photos when browsing for previous and next pictures now fixed
Adobe reader and Quick office will install without components built in error
Removes unused applications.
Restart added instead of Lock screen and keypads.
Polished the UI for heavy usage.
CPU mod optimized to get complete stability and a great battery life.
Highly Increased Application/Gaming frame rates.
A very new and Amazing Theme Effects make your phone looks very amazing when you are using it.
Full N8 iconpack by binh24 used.
N8 Swipe to Unlock theme with Landscape support and N8 dialer.
OVI Suite will recognise your phone as Nokia C6-00. However every website including OVI Store will recognise your phone as Nokia N97 mini.
C5-03 Keyboard Layout added.
Camera Sound will be disabled if you select Capture Tone3.
Voice recording during call fixed. Your phone won't crash if you record and call someone at the same time.
RAM Cache in C:\ for better performance.
Blazing Fast Screen Rotation.
If You press and hold 0 button from dialer,Bluetooth will switch on/off.
Enabled lock/unlock vibration.
Auto optimization of RAM cache for keeping up your phone faster even after heavy usage.
N8 Digital clock fonts.
Removed "Check for Updates" in Device Updates and also from *#0000# menu.
Radio bug, Multilanguage Bug fixed.
Messages sent by you will be saved up to 500 messages,Delivery reports ON by default, Conversation added in messages menu...
"Show Open Apps" Removed.
All new Splash screen and Shutdown screen adden & Startup animation removed for faster startup.You can install your own startup screens.
.Centered text mod
.Extended menu mod (check your menu before and after flashing)
.more smoothness in scrolling
.more fastness than before
.great sound quality
.multi language fix mod v2
.and many more....
- Real Hack
Enjoy the Speed..........
Applications included on Z/:
Music Stopper
Photo Browser
New Music Player 15.2 with lyrics support
BT Switch
File Browser
Auto Installer
ROMPatcher 3.06 by Il.Socio
Zip Manager Default
Ovi sync used by many people
Share online Default
Horizon Black (Original C6 Black Theme)
White (Original C6 White Theme)
Leather Black
If you Have Problem installing Qt or Python ask me.
While installing Python unckeck the pips to install it successfully because pips is builtin with maps3.06
Click Here to download Python
For Qt.Download this Qt total pack.zip extract all 5 files and install them:QT Total Pack.zip Click Here
Check This out

Hi guys I created this widget from oviappwizard.com
but I cant give u any wgz file bcoz its still underprocess in ovi store and it ill take 2 more days to come so try this links from ur nokia browser to download..
http://oviappwizard.com/get.jsp?pp=554de5 Funny picture
http://oviappwizard.com/get.jsp?pp=554c3c Daily Mobile
copy these links to ur browser or download the txt file,open in ur fone and download directly to ur phone
ROFS2 BLADE V40 (Tampilan Standar)

Tema Pendukung Interface (Tampilan Seperti Preview) Ind190 Themes

bro...... ada kendala pas flashing nih.....
semua dah bisa kedetec cuma terakhir ada tulisan :
Cant detectflashing server!
bagaimana ini bro.....
tol pencerahannya.....
pastikan dulu bro firmware ada 7 dan emang untuk C6.
gan kalo nyang ini bisa di pake di 5800 v60.0.003 gak soalna tube ane dah di versi segitu.....
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