[3Dynamics] Raw or Roasted s60v5 by Serviak

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

This jailbreak barnyard and the life of animals are in your hands! Whether you love them? You want them to escape the frying pan, or you would prefer to be eaten? Love the farm animals and colorful world, and help them in their adventure!



Anonymous said...

sory masta ane cm mw bnt . . .nyantai aja plen gausah buru2 apgred ke 40.6.003 coz cfw c6 bwt 40.6.003 msh sdikit,pilihanya lbh bnyk bwt 40.0.003

Anonymous said...

masta,kok ane download fw original fw c6 to 5230 v40.0.003 by binh24 ga ada rofs3 nya? Bisa ga diflash masta?

Anonymous said...

cfw c6 emang gada fofs3nya,kL dksh tar mokat

Anonymous said...

gpp hajar j plen. . .filenya jd ada 7 kan?? tick factory set ,untick crt 08,kl mokat flash lg ke fw ori

Anonymous said...

tu cm file core nya doang. . .emang ada6. ada rofs2 nya ga?? jd bgn plen: file core(6file)+cfw mod,biasanya isinya rofs2 doang kl ada uda.fpsx nya timpa aja gpp

Anonymous said...

file .spr nya gada ya?? ydh coba j duyu!!

Anonymous said...

ky'a file cfw nya krng lngkp tu plen . .file .spr nya ga ada

s60v5 Lover said...

wew gk nyambung ma postingan diatas
gak papa deh yang penting rame thx yang dah bantu jawab

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:)) ;)) ;;) :D ;) :p :(( :) :( :X =(( :-o :-/ :-* :| 8-} :)] ~x( :-t b-( :-L x( =))

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