kalau ini versi final buatan Ayurvedic, gak ngerti dech bagusan mana dengan TTPOD final yang ane post sebelumnya tapi kayaknya sama2 keren kok :)
This version applies to the S60 Fifth Edition and Symbian ^ 3 touch-screen phone,
?S60 Fifth Edition?
Nokia 5230/5232/5233/5235/5238/5288/5250/5530/5800/5800i/5800w/5802XM/C5-03/C6/N97/N97i/N97 mini/X6
Sony Ericsson U1i (Satio) / U5i (Vivaz) / U8i (Vivaz pro)
Samsung i8910 HD
Symbian ^ 3
Nokia C6-01/C7/E7/N8
New version features
1, lower operating memory footprint;
2, optimization songs switch threads to speed up switching speed;
3, the player interface to support loop sliding;
4, support Dream Star visualization switching;
5, increasing lyrics adjustment;
6, increasing the new landscape mode;
7, support custom equalizer;
8, increasing rejection song features.
A list of changes and new features
1, the list layout adjustment, return to play and recommended swapped every day;
2, the list supports semi-transparency;
3, the list drag the slider to increase rapidly;
4, the list add the menu, exit the program from the list;
5, increasing song sorting;
6, increasing the list of new features.
Add some personality features
1, the screen backlight Always switch;
2, exit prompts switch;
3, the word graph storage location setting;
4, Fade switch;
5, started playing switch;
6 position switch out memory;
7, unplug the headset to suspend switch;
8, the hold button to quickly return switch;
9, long press the volume side key the song switch.
Other functions
1, check for updates to increase functionality;
2, increasing Tell a Friend feature;
3, increasing feedback function;
4, increasing word graph error function;
5, increased night mode;
6, the splash screen support for jpg format.
1, solve the random mode, music player will repeat the question;
2, solve the "last played" in the song will play two songs loop problems;
3, the solution after setting the sleep mode, can not be canceled after the cancellation problem will still perform the operation.
Other Details
1, the mini-player can support image display;
2, scanning vibrating alert after the end;
3, Symbian3 one hundred volume optimization.
This version applies to the S60 Fifth Edition and Symbian ^ 3 touch-screen phone,
?S60 Fifth Edition?
Nokia 5230/5232/5233/5235/5238/5288/5250/5530/5800/5800i/5800w/5802XM/C5-03/C6/N97/N97i/N97 mini/X6
Sony Ericsson U1i (Satio) / U5i (Vivaz) / U8i (Vivaz pro)
Samsung i8910 HD
Symbian ^ 3
Nokia C6-01/C7/E7/N8
New version features
1, lower operating memory footprint;
2, optimization songs switch threads to speed up switching speed;
3, the player interface to support loop sliding;
4, support Dream Star visualization switching;
5, increasing lyrics adjustment;
6, increasing the new landscape mode;
7, support custom equalizer;
8, increasing rejection song features.
A list of changes and new features
1, the list layout adjustment, return to play and recommended swapped every day;
2, the list supports semi-transparency;
3, the list drag the slider to increase rapidly;
4, the list add the menu, exit the program from the list;
5, increasing song sorting;
6, increasing the list of new features.
Add some personality features
1, the screen backlight Always switch;
2, exit prompts switch;
3, the word graph storage location setting;
4, Fade switch;
5, started playing switch;
6 position switch out memory;
7, unplug the headset to suspend switch;
8, the hold button to quickly return switch;
9, long press the volume side key the song switch.
Other functions
1, check for updates to increase functionality;
2, increasing Tell a Friend feature;
3, increasing feedback function;
4, increasing word graph error function;
5, increased night mode;
6, the splash screen support for jpg format.
1, solve the random mode, music player will repeat the question;
2, solve the "last played" in the song will play two songs loop problems;
3, the solution after setting the sleep mode, can not be canceled after the cancellation problem will still perform the operation.
Other Details
1, the mini-player can support image display;
2, scanning vibrating alert after the end;
3, Symbian3 one hundred volume optimization.

aaahh, ccd !!!
Link dr 4shared nya dund bang.......
emang napa? normal kok!
ne aplikasi buat apa gan??
Ini musik mp3 player gan seperti JukeBox.
gan, koq ga bisa di'instal.. pas di instal ada tulisan kesalahan sertifikat..
mohon saran nya gan..
kayak'e perlu bljar dari awal dulu lu gan..
bukane sombong gan,tp klo lu uda tau lbih dalem lagi...
ga ada aplkasi yang gagal instal gra" kesalahan sertifikat...
yah.... instal aplikasi diatas kalo ada tulisan kesalahan sertifikat berarti hape belum di HACK bang. Jadi di hack dulu. cara hacking sudah ane posting tutorialnya awal bulan 2010. Jadi baca2 dulu kesemua blog ane ya
Mhon Bantuannya master...
Saat scan music hp restart terusm knpa ya?
Tambahan, lagu di hp 5230 ada 300'an...saat scan, berhenti di 172 dan lmudian restart...mhon pencerahannya master...
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