SlideUnlock v3.0.1 Unsigned Full By Hackpro123

Saturday, March 26, 2011
Wow ini model slide unlock terbanyak yang pernah ane posting selain model slidenya yang variatif juga bebrapa model jam yang vodafone dan android. Didalamnya juga sudah termasuk beberapa skin2 yang menarik. Nih lebih rincinya cekidot.........

SlideUnlock (S605th special sliding unlock) is added to unlock a cell phone and desktop shortcut enhancements to the software, he not only has a wealth of Canadian unlock methods, but also the gorgeous interface DIY extensions, is that you both enjoy more than IPhone, Window Phone and other mobile phone to unlock more energetic effect of the sliding, but also unconventional. A variety of keys, cell phone sensor function can play in this software, plus unlock features are fully used, is that you can do can be done without touching plus unlock mobile phones.

Whats New :

1. Modify the automatic locking conditions, only the idle screen or slide to unlock automatically set the lock time of the effective interface;
2. Plus unlock sound effects to replace the default comparison for the more three-dimensional music section, low-key and calm feeling to experience better;
3. Modify the long press red button to unlock, or sometimes white keys to unlock the hidden situation caused by sliding interface, QQ front click directly to the problem;
4. To increase the skin background can select "Sync theme background" feature, use the sliding interface background and cell phone standby current theme has been the skin, this mode of operation principle of the more savings deposits, after all, do not call an at least 360 * 640 image into.
5. On the terms set some items were considered and adjustments easier to understand operation.
6. Revise and improve the 1.18 release most of the problems since all feedback and suggestions.
7. Installer integrates four sets of classics in the default skin. In which the skin of a new pirate (User sea ghost design - blue perspective - recording all his works).


" Stylish Skin By Kum4r Your Mobile Sliding and Unlocking "

Entar skinya di ekstrak dulu terus dimasukkan ke e:\data\SlideUnlock\Skins12

SlideUnlock v3.0.1

SlideUnlock v3.0.1 Part 1 Skin (4.6 MB)

SlideUnlock v3.0.1 Part 2 Skin (9 MB)



riski said...

bang jgn di plunder bang pliss,, downloadnya sehari cuman 1 soalnyaa !!!

s60v5 Lover said...

ya deh ntar2 ane upload lagi di mediafire.

Anonymous said...

iy gan. Ane da bolakbalik buka, gmw msuk kplunder..
Dtggu gan

Unknown said...

akh gan, malah bolak balik ieu th,, :mwekk:

Anonymous said...

Boss iya nich klo dowload lwt plunder knp filenya jadi .txt pdhl file aslinya .rar susaq boss

Anonymous said...

mau nanya nich gan..
kok pas aplikasi ini ane install kok gak mau jalan ya??
trus ada tulisan minta certifikat gitu..
itu gmn tuh??

s60v5 Lover said...

hape pasti belum di hack gan

Anonymous said...

cara nge hack gimana gan..

bayu_arif said...

gan... itu tema yg iphone nya ada di part brp?

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