Remake from Warna Series with using new icon pack and some elements changed
Available only in Ovi Store (Custom icons), only for S^3 and 5th edition
NuPink by IND190 (5th released, S^3 coming soon)
NuPink by IND190 (default icons)
NuBlue by IND190 (Coming soon)
NuBlue by IND190 (default icons)
NuRed by IND190 (Coming soon)
NuRed by IND190 (default icons)
NuBlack by IND190 (Coming soon)
NuBlack by IND190 (default icons)
NuGreen by IND190 (Coming soon)
NuGreen by IND190 (default icons)
NuOrange by IND190 (Coming soon)
NuOrange by IND190 (default icons)
Gan kalo pengen theme kita masuk ovi store gmn caranya yah?
Gan kalo pengen theme kita masuk ovi store gmn caranya yah?
ane lom ngerti gan

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