ScreenShots -
Do not worry if you experience your phone slow on
first use after hardreset or flash. The first boot
configures the device and all optimizations come into
play.So have patience during 1st boot!
IMPORTANT STEPS TO BE DONE BEFORE FLASHING WITH KHATRA (Ignoring this will cause system malfunctioning and bugs)
- Connect your phone to PC in Mass Storage mode and
delete "system" , "resource" , "sys" and "private" folders
from Memory Card
- If your MMC is locked by a password then REMOVE the
password - Backup your messages, contacts, calender entries,
- Do NOT backup gallery files or settings
- Now switch off phone and do the flashing
- Never FORMAT Memory Card after flash
- No need to do Hard reset after flash
-Many files compared with Nokia N97 to get the fastest
settings possible
-Highly Increased Application/Gaming frame rates
-Increased Response Rate (Now touchscreen will be
more responsive)
-Music Player response highly increased (Instantly pauses/plays on clicking the buttons)
-Reduced effects complexity which should result in a
speed increase
-Increased Heap Size further to boost up performance
-Lags in Menu and Other Large Applications removed
-Polished the UI for heavy usage -Phone will never slow down and the RAM won't be
decreasing (RAM Caching modded)
-76MB+ on C:\ (Phone memory)
-Average RAM: 60MB free Max ram 69.42 (see screenshots)
-Smoother Kinetic Scrolling
-Many more Performance Upgrades -CPU and RAM optimized to keep the phone running fast
-Navigation Optimized (Truly optimized for navigation
with latest apps)
-n8 Browsing agent
-C-5 03 Keyboad and TAP TO UNLOCK
- Voice Commands Enabled
- GPRS Connection status Enabled
- Nokia SMS Sending (My Nokia) Disabled
- Tapping Mode added: Shake to get phone silent/snooze
Alarm and Calls
- TV Out fixed completely fixed - Tapping control and turning control turned off by
- Auto rotation turned ON by default
- Default bluetooth name: Nokia 5800 Khatra
- Music Player graphically modded and boosted - Number of message sent saved increase from 20 to
999 by default
- OVI Contacts totally disabled
- Now you can record up to 12 Hours
- Voice recording during call fixed
- RAM Cache in C:\ for better performance - Browser Cache increased to 40MB and moved to E:\
- Super Optimized Screen Rotation
- CPU load decreased (Get a very fast phone)
- Enabled lock/unlock vibration
- Enabled keypad lights
- Kinetic Scrolling diabled in short lists - Zero start up of background applications
- Auto optimization of RAM cache for keeping up your
phone faster even after heavy usage
Apps integrated
-i melo
-virtual Keyboard
-Dz music key 2
-Music Stopper
-Auto iNstaller
-Light Control
-Energy profiler
-Accel Switch
-Kill ME
-Bt Switch
-Mem Check
-Phone Torch
Apps Removed
-Share Online
-Quick office
-Adobe Reader
-AutoGuard Keyboard timer changeble (default 40 sec)
-Camera Highly modded (Thankx to RKY)
-Single Tap Equaliser
-Final N8 icons Pack (binh24)
-C5 03 Tap To unlock
-Mediabar With Highlight
-Ovi Maps 3.06
-Tv Out working
-Battery Mod ( Atleast 2 days Backup)
-Ram Caching MOD
-Start up and Shut Down Accelerated
-Start up ~~16 sec
-Shutdown ~~4 sec
Kalau mau tanya lebih langsung ke pembuatnya ya KESINI
CORE (File selain rofs2)
Do not worry if you experience your phone slow on
first use after hardreset or flash. The first boot
configures the device and all optimizations come into
play.So have patience during 1st boot!
IMPORTANT STEPS TO BE DONE BEFORE FLASHING WITH KHATRA (Ignoring this will cause system malfunctioning and bugs)
- Connect your phone to PC in Mass Storage mode and
delete "system" , "resource" , "sys" and "private" folders
from Memory Card
- If your MMC is locked by a password then REMOVE the
password - Backup your messages, contacts, calender entries,
- Do NOT backup gallery files or settings
- Now switch off phone and do the flashing
- Never FORMAT Memory Card after flash
- No need to do Hard reset after flash
-Many files compared with Nokia N97 to get the fastest
settings possible
-Highly Increased Application/Gaming frame rates
-Increased Response Rate (Now touchscreen will be
more responsive)
-Music Player response highly increased (Instantly pauses/plays on clicking the buttons)
-Reduced effects complexity which should result in a
speed increase
-Increased Heap Size further to boost up performance
-Lags in Menu and Other Large Applications removed
-Polished the UI for heavy usage -Phone will never slow down and the RAM won't be
decreasing (RAM Caching modded)
-76MB+ on C:\ (Phone memory)
-Average RAM: 60MB free Max ram 69.42 (see screenshots)
-Smoother Kinetic Scrolling
-Many more Performance Upgrades -CPU and RAM optimized to keep the phone running fast
-Navigation Optimized (Truly optimized for navigation
with latest apps)
-n8 Browsing agent
-C-5 03 Keyboad and TAP TO UNLOCK
- Voice Commands Enabled
- GPRS Connection status Enabled
- Nokia SMS Sending (My Nokia) Disabled
- Tapping Mode added: Shake to get phone silent/snooze
Alarm and Calls
- TV Out fixed completely fixed - Tapping control and turning control turned off by
- Auto rotation turned ON by default
- Default bluetooth name: Nokia 5800 Khatra
- Music Player graphically modded and boosted - Number of message sent saved increase from 20 to
999 by default
- OVI Contacts totally disabled
- Now you can record up to 12 Hours
- Voice recording during call fixed
- RAM Cache in C:\ for better performance - Browser Cache increased to 40MB and moved to E:\
- Super Optimized Screen Rotation
- CPU load decreased (Get a very fast phone)
- Enabled lock/unlock vibration
- Enabled keypad lights
- Kinetic Scrolling diabled in short lists - Zero start up of background applications
- Auto optimization of RAM cache for keeping up your
phone faster even after heavy usage
Apps integrated
-i melo
-virtual Keyboard
-Dz music key 2
-Music Stopper
-Auto iNstaller
-Light Control
-Energy profiler
-Accel Switch
-Kill ME
-Bt Switch
-Mem Check
-Phone Torch
Apps Removed
-Share Online
-Quick office
-Adobe Reader
FastesT Firmwire ThaT looks mean And Packs A PUNCH!!!!!!!
[/b][/u]-AutoGuard Keyboard timer changeble (default 40 sec)
-Camera Highly modded (Thankx to RKY)
-Single Tap Equaliser
-Final N8 icons Pack (binh24)
-C5 03 Tap To unlock
-Mediabar With Highlight
-Ovi Maps 3.06
-Tv Out working
-Battery Mod ( Atleast 2 days Backup)
-Ram Caching MOD
-Start up and Shut Down Accelerated
-Start up ~~16 sec
-Shutdown ~~4 sec
Kalau mau tanya lebih langsung ke pembuatnya ya KESINI
CORE (File selain rofs2)
Gan udah pernah coba firmware yg paling baru ini?
blm gan, ntar2 aja ane lg males flashing CFW :D
Waduh...Gan,kok link unduhnya mencla-mencle? Link unduh ROFS2nya mlh brisi ROFS2 dan 4 file slain CORE (C00),sdgkn link unduh CORE emg brisi file CORE tok! Btw..ROFS2nya khan v19,bs g diganti ke v01? Bkln error g? Thx b4 Gan :p
gggggaaaaaaannnnnn helpmeeeee..... knp tiap ane mu flash pke cfw khatra, blade sma ultimate fusion slalu begini :
JAF version 1.98.62
Detected PKEY: 90009B6C
Card life counter: 99.99%
P-key nokia module version 01.02
USB Cable Driver version:
Changing mode...Done!
MCU Flash file: NONE
PPM Flash file: NONE
CNT Flash file: NONE
APE Variant file: NONE
Searching for JAF saved location of ini...
Checking path: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-356\
Searching for default location of ini...
Checking path: \Products\RM-356\
Searching for JAF saved location of ini...
Checking path: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-356\
Scanning ini files...
Searching for default location of ini...
Checking path: \Products\RM-356\
Checking path: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-356\
MCU Flash file: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-356\RM-356_52.0.007_prd.core.C00
PPM Flash file: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-356\RM-356_52.0.007_prd.rofs2.V01
CNT Flash file: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-356\RM-356_52.0.007_C01_prd.rofs3.fpsx
APE Variant file: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-356\RM-356_52.0.007_026_000_U01.uda.fpsx
Detected P-KEY: 90009B6C
P-key nokia module version 01.02
Init usb communication...
Searching for phone...Found
Flash files are corupted or missing...
helpme gaan.. ane nanya ma bkin blm d jwab2..
bermasalah pada firmwarenya itu gan. di cek dulu apa firmware yang ada di folder RM selain rofs2 itu untuk C6? entar jangan2 dicampur dengan firmware original lagi.
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