Nokia 523x,5530,5800,X6-ALL RM's-C6 Unleashed Tribute

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Waktu jalan2 ke dailymobile dan lihat2 di kolom CFW Released, eh ternyata link sudah diupdate dan untuk tipe 5230 sudah ada buat firmware v4.6.3. Ya udah ane seruput aja dan gak lupa pastinya di post ke blog. Buat pengguna s60v5 apapun silakan donlod kalo pengen ngerasain CFW yg masih sodara dengan Unleashed ini.

Unleashed Team
LPHS, devilyazdan, immortal_yash, bjroks, joeyfrankiko, DJNokia5233.


image by wrath


Average RAM: 60 MB. Max RAM:70.38 MB
Tested on Nokia 5233 RM-625

Here are some tips to increase your RAM value in S^2-based firmwares.

1st way
* Disable theme effects
* Close apps like Contacts, Logs, Messaging
* Get always after boot a clean homescreen

- Your RAM will be about 60MB

2nd way
* No need to disable anything
* Remove Ovi Contacts and RAM-eater Swipe to unlock (still in study the 2nd issue)

- You RAM will be about 60MB
- With all apps closed (except menu) and theme effects disabled, as well as a clean homescreen, you can get about 70MB of free RAM

- UI modded for an Extremely fast phone!
- Frames rates higly increased for a smoother phone.
- Battery tweaked for a longer battery life.

- Many mods combined, tweaked and personalized for a longer battery life.

- Optimized the FW for heavy loading, multi- tasking and gaming.
- Improved File-System Caching
- System cache in C:\ itself for performance
- Enabled Caching in All Drives

- Now Modded for Excellent Performance

- Highly Increased Application/Gaming frame rates
- Increased Response Rate (Touchscreen will be more Responsive!)
- Music Player is now more faster!

- Music Player will refresh Music Library much faster now!

- Music Player highly responsive!

- Instantly pauses/plays on clicking the buttons)

- Effects complexity Reduced.
- Heap Size increased.
- Lags in Messaging and menu are now removed.

- Now the lags present in Messaging while scrolling hundreds of messages have been solved!

- UI Polished for heavy usage and faster phone experience.
- RAM will never go down and the phone will give astounding speed!

- RAM Caching mod added which tweaks RAM for optimum performance.

- Smoothest Kinetic Scrolling Ever!
- Real Hack!

- Installserver exe added. No need to use installserver patch anymore!

- CPU personalized for an extremely stable phone!

- Now experience the stability and tell us yourself!


- Two Variants released. One with N8 icons, and one without.
- RAM Cache in C:\ for better performance
- Extremely Fast Screen Rotation
- CPU load decreased

- Now get a very fast phone!

- N8 Swipe to Unlock and C6 v20 dialler added.
- All C6 lights problem fixed (Thanks by mara)
- Green Light while charging ON
- Camera will not eat RAM after one closes it.
- Default Browser user agent changed to N97 mini. Now OVI store and many other sites will recognise your phone as Nokia N97 mini.
- Restart Option instead of "Lock Screen and Keys" in Power Menu (Thanks to CODeRUS)
- C5-03 Keyboard Layout added.
- Voices added in Message Reader App:

- 1. Martin
- 2. Ellen

- Camera Sound will be disabled if you use Capture Tone 1.
- Many Nokia Tunes from Nokia N8 added.
- Display lights timeout and automatic keyguard time set to 15 seconds.
- Default bluetooth name: Tribute to C6
- FOTA reserved space removed to get more space in C:\

- Now Fota won't reserve 5MB! Save space in C:\

- Voice recording during call fixed.

- Now phone won't crash if you call someone while recording simultaneously.

- Disabled vibration during Lock/ Unlock
- Zero start up of background applications
- RAM cache will Auto-optimize

- Now your phone fast even after very heavy usage

- Display rotation is ON by default
- Breathing light is OFF by default
- Digital clock set as default.
- The Digital clock now looks like N8's clock
- Display light turns OFF and Phone gets locked in 30 seconds
- Default Fonts Used
- PC/OVI Suite will detect phone as Nokia C6-00
- Delivery Reports ON by default in Messaging
- Theme effects are ON by default
- Removed "Check for Updates" in Device Updates
- 'Summary after call' ON by default
- 'Speed Dialling' ON by default
- 'In call timer' ON by default
- General Profile renamed to Tribute
- Dialler landscape disabled.
- Very Smooth Kinetic Scrolling
- Smoothest ever! Now no lags while scrolling.
- Lags in Messaging removed
- Blank UDA supplied to get highest possible free space on C:\


- Camera Image Quality improved
- Camera will not leave in background
- Camera can now zoom in/out with the volume keys! Cheesy
- Flash option replaced with Video option in the Camera (523x users Only).
- Video Capture frame rates increased

- Voice recorder records upto 12 hours!
- Voice recording quality set to highest!

- Gallery searching is very fast now!
- Gallery will not mix up pictures and videos
- Nokia Photo Browser integrated in Photos Homescreeen
- Integrated Nokia Photo Browser in the CFW

- Now view your images the modern way!! The all new Photo Browser from Nokia is now integrated!

- Share Online removed from Photos Homescreen

- Music Player will read E:\Music\ and E:\Sounds\Music! Cheesy
- Music player will refresh loads faster!!
- Now Music Player instantly pauses and plays music!
- Ovi Music removed from Music Homescreen
- TTPod added to Music Homescreen!
- TTPod app provided with the CFW

- TTPod, an excellent Music Player for playing music in your S60 v5 handset, is now integrated in the CFW! Now listening to music is also modern!!

- The media icon in 5800 and 5530 handsets has been changed to N8 one.
- The button for pausing and playing music has been changed to blue.

Radio completely fixed.

- Now listen to C6's Radio on your handset!


- Added "View Images" in options> Display Settings
- Now Resume downloads even after restart!
- Browser can now go landscape even when the rotate sensor is off
- Browser Cache moved to E:\ and increased to 40 MB!
- Many sites will now detect your phone model as N97.

- Now avail the benefit of downloading ample of N97 widgets by simply making various sites recognise your phone as N97!


- Using 4X4 Menu Layout.
- The menu is now well arranged
- All Lags in Menu removed
- "Show Open Apps" Removed


- Conversations integrated in Messaging
- Sent Messages set to 999 by default
- Delivery reports ON by default
- Messaging lags removed

- Now scrolling thousands of messages will not be a problem, thanks to the Smoothest Kinetic Scrolling!


- All new and eye-catching Splashscreen and Shutdownscreen!
- All new Bootscreen by wrath
- Bootscreen Volume set to : 10

- - Now add two image gifs with tones for Boot! Just place ur files in E:\Boot folder.
- Rename files as:
- 1st boot image: startup.gif 1st boot tone: startup.mp3
- 2nd boot image: startup 2.gif 2nd boot tone: startup 2.mp3
- Shutdown image: shutdown.gif
- Shutdown tone: shutdown.mp3

- All new and exciting Theme effects!

- Check it out yourself! Cheesy


- Media bar bug completely fixed!

- Test it yourself!

- All light bugs fixed! (Thanks to mara)
- Multilanguage support bug fixed!
- Lags in Messaging Fixed.
- Radio bug completely fixed!
- 'Two New E-Mail options' bug fixed!
- TV-Out bug fixed for Nokia 5800 Users
- Favourite Contacts bug fixed completely.


- Nokia File Browser
- ROMPatcher+ v2.6
- Nokia PhotoBrowser
- BTSwitch
- RAM Blow 1.3
- KillMe v3.6
- TTPod v3.71
- Nokia Notifications Widget
- Battery Monitor Widget
- Opera Mini v5.1


- Drawing
- Zip Manager
- Welcome
- Ovi Contacts
- Ovi Music
- Ovi Sync
- Ovi Store (Supplied in the CFW)
- Ovi maps (Supplied in the CFW)
- My Nokia
- Phone Switch
- Speed Dial
- Online Support
- Share Online
- Here and Now
- Chat
- Video Call (for 523x Users)


- Tribute theme 1 : BEND 3.0 DI IND190 (default)
- Tribute theme 2 : BEND 2.0 DI IND190
- Tribute theme 3 : BEND 4.0 DI IND190



Non N8 icon variant
1.) RM-625 C6 Unleashed Tribute Edition
2.) RM-588 C6 Unleashed Tribute Edition

N8 icon variant
1.) RM-625 C6 Unleashed Tribute Edition
2.) RM-588 C6 Unleashed Tribute Edition
3.) RM-593 C6 Unleashed Tribute Edition
4.) RM-504 C6 Unleashed Tribute Edition
5.) RM-594 C6 Unleashed Tribute Edition
6.) RM-356 C6 Unleashed Tribute Edition
7.) RM-559 C6 Unleashed Tribute Edition
8.) RM-428 C6 Unleashed Tribute Edition
9.) RM-629 C6 Unleashed Tribute Edition

Download Links for c6 based on v40 fw of 5233 and 5230)
1.) RM-625 C6 Unleashed Tribute Edition
2.) RM-588 C6 Unleashed Tribute Edition (recommended for 5230 v40.6.3)
CORE RM-588 v40.6.3 (recommended for 5230 v40.6.3)

Core and UDA links
v40-C6 Core and UDA for 5233 and 5230



TV-Out Fix for Nokia 5800 RM-356:

Music Player Update(sis):

Tribute Extra pack

1.) Pack 1
2.) Pack 2
3.) Pack 3
4.) Pack 4
5.) Pack 5
6.) Pack 6
7.) Pack 7
8.) Pack 8



1)Remove the sys,system,private and resource folders from memory card
2)replace the original c6 v20 rofs2 with this rofs2
3)After flashing...wait for 15 second in the country selection screen
4)u have to manually turn autorotate on...

No need to patch the lang pack for english as it is already patched
so cam will work in english language

Get ur desired lang packs here
Lang packs

How to import a lang pack here
import a lang pack

then for patching the lang pack instruction here
how to patch lang

for more c6 mods go here
c6 mods



abahnibras said...

tapi gan ane mau tanya kalo tribute sama vortex bagusan mana?

N Andry said...

udah support bhsa kita belum gan???

riski said...

semua CFW gak sempurna menurut aku,, meskipun desainnya bagus tetep gak sempurna, karena 1 hal yang spele,, yaitu ENGGAK BISA CONNECT BLUETHOOT HEADSET,, :(( hhuuuwwaaaaaaaaaaaa,, someone help me please !!!!!,,

s60v5 Lover said...

abah: jelas bagus ini gan drpada vortex. coba aja klo gk percaya :)
N Andry: Blom gan, ntar cb ane masukin b.indo. tp kbnykan gagal cs gk da file b.indo yg khusus utk RM-588
riski: wah ane gk punya headset portable bluetoot jd gk bs ksh solusi. tp bukannya konek sperti biasa y?

Unknown said...

gan hp ane 5233 v26, klo pke firmware ini lemot ga??
mohon pencerahannya thanks.

s60v5 Lover said...

lebih cepet drpda firmware original. Keren kok coba aja.

adizka said...

gan kalo tribute v 40.6.3 pke udapfsx sama coo dari btuser bisa ga?coz yang link mesti daftar dulu k PNHT...

adizka said...

ko aku download yang rekomended n 5230 filenya buan coo/v22?????

adizka said...

ko aku download yang rekomended n 5230 filenya bukan coo/v22?????

s60v5 Lover said...

sudah ane update lg gan dibawah tulisan recommended. Tinggal download aja pass:binh24

Unknown said...

link yang harus ane download yang mana gan??
soalnya ane liat ad banyak yang buat 5233.
#masih awam

s60v5 Lover said...

diatas tulisan recommended gan.

wijaya sport said...

gan klo nokia 5233 v40.1.003 cara supaya jd c6 v20 gmna sich....

ane udah coba tp hp ane jd nge blank....

tlng ksh tau caranya gan...????


s60v5 Lover said...

download yg ini om khusus buat 5233.

punkofthedeath said...

gan dah ane download kok firmwarenya cuman 1?
kata temen ane file firmware lebih dari 1

Caezarz_96 said...

Gan !! ane pake 5800 v. 52 .... mana dr link diatas yg perlu didonlot ?? bingungg !!

s60v5 Lover said...

punk: yg satu pake original CFW C6 om. post sbelumnya udh da.
caesar: lihat RM nya om. ngechek lewat *#0000#

Caezarz_96 said...

Tau... tpi diatas g ada... adanya yg N8 icon..??
KASIH linknya donkk.. buat 5800 FW52...
Cara flashnya sama kan ?? pake JAF? ayo gan kasih linknya... bingung..

Caezarz_96 said...

ane habis pake yg SUPERNOVA... trus mw kesini gimana caranya ? udah nyoba tapi malah pas dinyalain geter terus..

s60v5 Lover said...

caesar: emang tu om linknya rata2 semua pake N8 icon. Jadi ntar CFW C6 dg Icon N8. Bisa lngsung upgrade ke Tribute. Tinggal ganti rofs2 ma uda.fpsx. cr flash sama. klo mslh getar biasanya versinya yg beda. cb download file diatas dulu om kmudian liat versi berapa, setau ane V52.

Caezarz_96 said...

UDAH ngerti caranya... mesti digabung sama FILE core CFW c6 5800 yah ? nah itu donlot dmn ?

Caezarz_96 said...

Omm,, mnta link C6 ori v20 buat 5800 v52 ... pliss... ane dlu prnh donlot tp lupa taruhnya... >< kmrn yg upgrade c6 supernova tuh kliatannya MCUnya g pke c6 ori deh... buktinya, bisa seh brubah ala c6... tp cek *#0000# ttp 5800 v52.. hahahaha.... bukannya kl yg ori bisa jadi c6-00 v20 bneran khan ??? ayo om.. mnta linknya..

Caezarz_96 said...

Udah berhasil flash... tpi masih bingung masalah EXTRA PACK... installnya gimana ?? aktifinnya gimana ?? ada misalnya masukin ke "rofs2/resource/effect" foldernya mana gan ?? g ngerti ane sumpah.. masa pake ppm editor ? g bisa loh.. plis gannnn kasih tutor laaa...
Oya, cara pake ROMpatcher gmn ?

Caezarz_96 said...

pusing pake ini... bgusan supernova..

Idhen said...

kok file rofs3 nya g ada gan??? musti donlod dmn nih....???
mhon pncerahannya...

s60v5 Lover said...

maap bro bru bs blez :)
Caesar: utk file ori C6 bisa donlod di kategori CFW C6 original. Emang kyk gtu om waktu lihat informasi CFW psti tulisan 5800 cs emang utk hape 5800 semua jg berlaku utk tipe2 yg lain. betewe kok ada extra pack mksudnya gimana om? kan download n tinggal flashing.
Teguh: CFW C6 emang gk ada rofs3 om, klo dikasih mlah matot.

Caezarz_96 said...

tuh di thread nya dbwah ada "EXTRA PACK" agan yg post, udah nyoba donlot g? haha

s60v5 Lover said...

gk usah didownload om, ane langsung download yang ane tulis recomendasi, udah beres. utk ektra pack dimasukan memakai Nokia firmware Editor dari PNHT. di paste seperti biasa dengan cara drag n drop sesuai folder yang tertera. kalo dalam folder private dtaruh ke private, kalo resource jg ditaruh ke resource dll.

hafidz said...

kok ada paswordnya pas mau donlot gan??
help me,,,

s60v5 Lover said...

pass sama dengan CFW lainnya om "BINH24"

Putra Dyrgantara said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

gan, ane pake x6 rm-559. kok abis di flashing ga bisa instal ovi maps 3.06 dan FileBrowser ya?
tulisannya cannot instal, component is built in. ada solusinya ga gan? (klo bisa jangan yg pake repack rofs2, soalnya ane ga bgitu ngerti yg begituan)

Anonymous said...

ini filenya uda lengkap belom bos . ?

Unknown said...

cariin yang c6 buat v40 5233 bang....tolong bang...
aku coba gagl smua jd trpaksa ak kmbalikin ke nokia asli fw nya

s60v5 Lover said...

anonim: jika sudah punya file c6, download aja rofs2 tapi jika blm punya semua download rofs2 dan Core. Core itu file sisa selain rofs2.

taufik: ya insyallh bang ntar ane cari'in.

hafid said...

gan kalo rm 504 corenya ambil dimana??

s60v5 Lover said...

tipe berapa gan?

Anonymous said...

gan.........,,,ane pake 5233 v21.1.004 RM 625.
kalo pengen jadi kayak c6 ane kudu donlot yg mn gan?
bales cepet ya agan yang ganteng

Anonymous said...

gan.........,,,ane pake 5233 v21.1.004 RM 625.
kalo pengen jadi kayak c6 ane kudu donlot yg mn gan?
bales cepet ya agan yang ganteng............

mas bro........,,,cara instalasinya gmn yah....???
maklum masih awan.....

udin said...

om admin mau tanya, 5530 saya versi cwm nah di btuser saya cari product key "yang di belakang batre" kok gag ada yah? gimana caranya klo mau saya kembaliin ke fw original klo di btuser gag ada ? help me please.

s60v5 Lover said...

download yang rm-625 diatas tulisan recommended. cara ini bukan untuk diinstal tapi diflash. untuk tutorial flahing bisa lihat post sebelumnya.

Anonymous said...

gan ane ery neh mo tanya n bimbinganya.....
gan.........,,,ane pake 5233 v21.1.004 RM 625.
ane pengen jadi c6,,ane udh donlot flashing n
RM-625 C6 Unleashed Tribute Edition..........
ane mo coba tapi tkut salah...........
mohon panduanya yah..................

s60v5 Lover said...

jng takut coba om, pling klo salah hanya matot hapenya kalo matot ya tinggal flash dengan firmware original. saran ane belajar flashing dulu menggunakan firmware original karena firmware ori pasti gk ngebuat hape matot.

udin said...

aduh om admin koq pertanyaan saya kaga di jawab :((

s60v5 Lover said...

ow ya ketinggalan cory :p
gak masalah om dengan kode di belakang batere yg penting RM-588.

Anonymous said...

gan gan.........,,,ane pake 5233 v21.1.004 RM 625.

donlot yang RM-625 v40.1.003............
atow yang RM-625 C6 Unleashed Tribute Edition......
bls cpet ya gan.....,,,,ane tnggu skrang.....

Anonymous said...

ko filenya cm 2 bray!! bukannya ada 8??

Anonymous said...

fw ane 40.1.003 rm 625. trus di file core gada file spr nya gan, trus di unlisid tributnya gada rofs3nya. . .gmn tuh??!!

s60v5 Lover said...

emang cfw c6 gitu gan. flash aja bisa kok.

cAsper said...

bang mo tny nw, aq udh pake cfw c6 final release for 5233, pgn flashing ke c6 unlease ini. caranya di kembalikan ke ori fw 5233 atau langsung flashing pake cfw ini?? bls cepet y gan. nuwun

s60v5 Lover said...

langsung pake ini aja gan, gk usah kembali ke fw ori.

cAsper said...

sisa file nya pake c6 ori v21 gpp gan???

cAsper said...

mas sy udh berhasil flashing to tribute, tpi kok file apps g hilang y.... ap emg bgtu y mas ..thanks for guide

Anonymous said...

yg RM-625 v40.1.003_Tribute kk g bsa d extrak t gan,pnting g tuh?

s60v5 Lover said...

gk bsnya gimana gan?

Anonymous said...

gan kok Virtual_PKEY_V4 ga bisa jalannya...ane pake win 7

s60v5 Lover said...

pada icon JAF didesktop klik kanan property kemudian pada compability pilih windows XP2 atau vista gan.

Unknown said...

gan, hp x6 ane g bsa d hack kenapa y?

Anonymous said...

gan hp ane nokia 5233 fw 40.1.003 ane nyari2 cfw yang suport writing arabic disini ada gak ya gan????? kalo ada mohon ptunhuknya gan

s60v5 Lover said...

setiawan: hack pake helloOx ya gan? sudah gak bisa gan hack pake helloOX

anonim: ane gak pernah posting CFW yg support arabic gan karena pembuatnya jarang yg dri arab :)

iman said...

boss mo tanya untuk nokia 5233 hanya butuh dua file itu ( yang rekomended ) atau ada lagi? kalau ada apa aja boss?

Anonymous said...

permisi gan..
aku pake nokia 5230 v40.3 aku flash tribune diatas v40.03 bagus bngt,,tp trnyata da bug di ovi maps yg g mw baca peta,,
tp yg paling membuat risih cameranya,pas aku rubah ke mode malam/dll trus di balikin ke mode automatic camera jd ter close dan ada pesan error!!!
gmn gan adah solusi?
dan recomend cfw 5230 v40.03 tp bukan versi c6!!
thanks for help gan!!

iman said...

permisi Gan...
bagus mana ama C6 Unleased tribute reborn Edition
mohon infonya Gan...
kebetulan di PNHT ada buat RM-625

afeel said...

bang ini saya baru banget nyoba ngeflashing doain yak :D
kalo saya pake 5233 v21.1.004 RM-625 .
bisa langsung ngeflash pake ini? dtunggu jawabannya .
thanks :)

Anonymous said...

asli ane bngung gan cara ganti CFWx
hp q nokia c6

ridho said...

to mimin> pertanyaan ane sama ama agan "afeel" tpi FW ane V40.1.003 tolong dijawab pliisss :)

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