Ada yang baru lagi nih dari bang Nandoo namanya Xtron^7 Beta*3. ane dapetnya waktu jalan2 ke dailymobile, eh ternyata CFW buatan Indonesia. Langsung aja ane minta ijin dari yang punya CFW untuk ngepost disini. Itung2 saling mempromosikan CFW buatan2 indonesia :) masak selalu mengandalkan CFW dari buatan negeri. Jadi Kalo bisa buat sendiri CFW, buat aja. Lebih puas lho makeknya:)
Langsung aja lihat reviewnya dibawah.....
Langsung aja lihat reviewnya dibawah.....
Thx buat Nandoo :)
- [fixed] web browser bug (can play youtube or other flash content without crash like in xtron^6 and xtron^7 beta 1)
- [fixed] N8 and C5-03 icon
- [done] sent item save 2000 message by default
- [fixed] battery drain in beta 2
- [done] lock phone replaced by restart when press power button
- [done] C5-03 Contact bar homescreen
- [done] ROMPATCHER 2.5 (V2.4 BUGGY)
- [done] omnia hs no bug anymore
- [done] flash lite 3.17(1)
- [done] dual bootscreen
- [done] auto installation game and xplore on first boot
- [done] basic and shortcut hs modded to n8 bottombar icon
- [done] video framerate improved
- [done] resume download when phone start
- [done] pocket sensor & photobrowse removed
- [done] new theme effect(faster)
- [done] new splash screen (still beta)
- [done] new font style
- [done] message report enable by default
- [done] latest version of nokia file browser
- [done] Kill me icon hide (can access with long press "0" in dialler)
- [done] full character econding in message enable by default
- [done] faster rotation
- [done] disable ovi contact
- [done] conversation icon mod
- [done] Camera digital zoom improved
- [done] caching in all driver make phone faster
- [done] bt switch icon mod
- [done] bluetooth recieved file in e:/recieved
- [done) New startup mod
- [not sure] battery indicator mod
1bar= 0%-25%
2bar= 25%-35%
3bar= 35%-45%
4bar= 45%-55%
6bar= 65%-75%
7bar= 75%-100%
MAJOR UPDATE :- [fixed] web browser bug (can play youtube or other flash content without crash like in xtron^6 and xtron^7 beta 1)
- [fixed] N8 and C5-03 icon
- [done] sent item save 2000 message by default
- [fixed] battery drain in beta 2
- [done] lock phone replaced by restart when press power button
- [done] C5-03 Contact bar homescreen
- [done] ROMPATCHER 2.5 (V2.4 BUGGY)
- [done] omnia hs no bug anymore
- [done] flash lite 3.17(1)
- [done] dual bootscreen
- [done] auto installation game and xplore on first boot
- [done] basic and shortcut hs modded to n8 bottombar icon
- [done] video framerate improved
- [done] resume download when phone start
- [done] pocket sensor & photobrowse removed
- [done] new theme effect(faster)
- [done] new splash screen (still beta)
- [done] new font style
- [done] message report enable by default
- [done] latest version of nokia file browser
- [done] Kill me icon hide (can access with long press "0" in dialler)
- [done] full character econding in message enable by default
- [done] faster rotation
- [done] disable ovi contact
- [done] conversation icon mod
- [done] Camera digital zoom improved
- [done] caching in all driver make phone faster
- [done] bt switch icon mod
- [done] bluetooth recieved file in e:/recieved
- [done) New startup mod
- [not sure] battery indicator mod
1bar= 0%-25%
2bar= 25%-35%
3bar= 35%-45%
4bar= 45%-55%
6bar= 65%-75%
7bar= 75%-100%
buatin juga donk hs omni buat nok 5230 rm 588 firmw 20.6.5.plisss
wah HS omnia kan udh jaman doeloe, skrgkan jmny hs C6.
ane dah donlod xtron7 beta 3 lewat "XtronSeries CFW Downloader"...kq file nya cuma rofs 3 aja emang ya ada rofs 2, core ato yg file lain2nya nya...kl emang cuma pake rofs 3...trus 6 file lainnya pake yang ori kah gan...???
ya gan file 6 lainnya pake yg ori. itu versi brpa gan kok dikasih rofs3? C6 gk rofs3-nya.
Sek" CFW tu brarti boleh pake firmware 5800 52 yg asli, atau mesti pake CORE ala pnht yg ORIGINAL c6 itu ?ane tuh rada bingung... kok corenya pnht yg original c6 tuh g ngrubah *#0000# jadi c6-00 ?
udah coba flash pake ini... pertama nyoba gabungin sama CFW c6 ori ala pnht g bisa, ala dari forum lain ga bisa, INI harus pake fw c6 ori for 5800 ato fw 5800 biasa?oya gan, versi final, ada rofs3 nya
cesar: ya jelas gk ngerubah dunk, emang kyak gitu bang. Ane ganti dengan C6 juga bisa tapi aturannya kan harus ditulis 5800 agar tahu tu hape tipe apa. Jadi intinya gini file diatas dicampur dengan file2 dari PNHT. utk C6 selamanya gk ada rofs3 om, emang didesain seperti itu. kalo dtambah rofs3 malah matot.
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