Aplikasi ini hampir sama dengan Quickoffice, yaitu tentang editing maupun membuat file baru office document seperti Word, Excel dan PowerPoint serta e-mail attachments. Bisa buka office 2010 juga lho. Lebih jelasnya lihat sedikit review dibawah.
* Microsoft Word and Excel Editing (including 2007/2010)
o View, Edit & Create Word 97-2010 files (.doc / .docx)
o View, Edit & Create Excel 97-2010 files (.xls / .xlsx)
o View, Edit & Create PowerPoint 97-2010 files (.doc/.docx)
* Never Lose Original Formatting
Our InTact Technology keeps all of your original formatting safe.
* Multi-level Zoom
Several zoom levels make it easier to view the data you need.
* Live Hyperlink Support
Interact with Web Hyperlinks in your files.
* Password Protection
Our support for Password Protected Word & Excel files keeps the files on your S60 phone secure at all times.
* Microsoft Word and Excel Editing (including 2007/2010)
o View, Edit & Create Word 97-2010 files (.doc / .docx)
o View, Edit & Create Excel 97-2010 files (.xls / .xlsx)
o View, Edit & Create PowerPoint 97-2010 files (.doc/.docx)
* Never Lose Original Formatting
Our InTact Technology keeps all of your original formatting safe.
* Multi-level Zoom
Several zoom levels make it easier to view the data you need.
* Live Hyperlink Support
Interact with Web Hyperlinks in your files.
* Password Protection
Our support for Password Protected Word & Excel files keeps the files on your S60 phone secure at all times.
Gan, ane browsing pke hape, knapa gak bsa langsung donlot ya?
Atw agan punya link lokal ny?
emng gk bs gan, klo 4shared ane mles uplodnya lama
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