NokiaCooker V1.0 Cooked Fw for S60v3 / S60v5

Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Yang suka modding firmware ini ada sebuah tool buat editing firmware seperti NOKIA FIRWARE EDITOR yang bernama Nokia Cooker BETA. Tool ini lebih lengkap dibanding dengan NFE ataupun Nokia Editor Beta terdahulu karena dalam tool tersebut sudah menyediakan Tool-tool pendukung lainnya seperti Language tool, Qwerty keyboard tool, Navifirm, Plugin dan Nokia FW Cleaner2.1. Bagi para modder terkenal di forum dailymobile banyak yang menggunakan Tool ini karena penggunaan dan interface yang sangat mudah untuk digunakan. Dulu saya memakai NFE untuk memodifikasi Firmware, tapi karena sudah ada tool yang lebih mumpuni, maka mulai sekarang saya memakai ini :)
anda mau juga...?

NokiaCooker 1.0 Change-Log:
- New: Shows the maximum ROFS partition size and the ROFS extimated size.
- Improved: NaviFirm plugin updated to 0.9 version
- Improved: the "Allow ROFS Resize" option is not needed anymore and it has been removed.
- Fixed: the "Allow ROFS Resize" option sometimes corrupted the ROFS rebuild process, causing strange issues in the Cooked Fw.

*** Informations for Developers about Plugins ***

When NokiaCooker launches your application it will pass the 4 command-line parameters below:
1) the file currently selected in the window on the right side
2) the path where the fw files have been extracted (eg: c:\nokiacooker\files\n8fw_extracted\)
3) firmware filename (eg: RM-596_011.012_U01.01_79.92_prd.uda.fpsx)
4) firmware type (UDA, ROFS, CORE, UNKNOWN)

How to read the arguments depends on the programming language you're using:
- for Delphi you should use ParamStr() ParamCount()
- for C# you can find the source code of a skeleton Plugin inside \NokiaCooker\TestPlugins\


Nokia Cooker is a PC software reserved to the Cookers, which allows to modify the files containing the phone's firmware to create customized firmwares versions named Cooked-Firmware.
Nokia Cooker can modify data which is located in:
- ROFx
It can't modify data located in the CORE yet.

Not all the ROFS/ROFx can be modded!
Modding a protected ROFS/ROFx you'll risk to brick the phone.
If you aren't sure that your ROFS/ROFx can be modded, don't do it.
The modding of the UDA, instead, is always a safe operation.

This software is provided "as is" with no warranty whatsoever, express or implied and moreover, WITHOUT any technical support, so, DO NOT contact me about this, because you WILL NOT receive any reply.

If you don't know how to install, or how to use it, probably you don't need Nokia Cooker at all.




Anonymous said...

gan tolong donk CFW buat nokia C6-00 punya ane masih standar dar.... pengin di hack. thanks

s60v5 Lover said...

CFW C6 udah otomatis hack gan.

denny said...

sob tutorial untuk edit app OFW/CFW ada gak?
maksudnya saya mau menghapus beberapa app yg gak kepake dari CFW

s60v5 Lover said...

ada gan coba cari di kategori PC Software. judulnya ane lupa :P

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:)) ;)) ;;) :D ;) :p :(( :) :( :X =(( :-o :-/ :-* :| 8-} :)] ~x( :-t b-( :-L x( =))

Silakan Komentar dibawah jika ada yang kurang jelas dan pastinya akan saya balas secepatnya. Thx sudah berkunjung ^^

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