Nokia 5800 - RM356 v51 - Powercycle 1.0

Monday, December 27, 2010
Nokia 5800 - RM356 v51 - Powercycle 1.0 Stable,Fast,Reliable!|C6-5800 Lights
Powercycle for V51 5800

Stable, Fast, Reliable. Flash it and see for yourself.
This CFW is for convenience. I dont want to have to keep restarting my phone or switching between different homescreens to make another homescreen work. NO.
I will not add buggy Homescreens to this CFW. If you wish to do so please use the search option on the upper right.
If you are all up for that then go ahead and try it. And i can bet you'll love it =))

Screen Shots:

- English only
- Application policy mod added (install unsigned applications without installserver patch)
- Camera focus sound removed
- Heap size increased, decreased application delay and decreased close time
- Browser cache from C to E
- Disabled unnecessary startup processes
- SecureWidgetpreinstaller disabled, phone will be much faster on first boot.
- System cache increased
- Cam save RAM MOD
- Messaging, Contacts, Calendar, Dialler ram saving mod
- UI acceleration MOD
- Fast screen rotation MOD (adjusted, not as fast as the original mod but faster then default)
- Kinetic scroll response adjusted. Less lagg and faster then default, but not to fast. Also disabled kinetic in small lists. Prevents the annoying need to press multiple times before an app or menu opens
- Touch Vibration level 1 reduced
- FOTA reservation disabled (5MB gain)
- Removed all help files
- Removed MailForExchange installer
- Vivaz conversation added (thread SMS)
- Total number of messages kept in "Sent items" folder increased from 20 to 40.
- Default Bluetooth folder changed to E:\Received\
- Widget security warnings disabled
- Removed Ovi Store
- Resume downloads in browser after power, hardware, software failure
- Music Player only searches in E:/Music
- Gallery MOD (system and app folders hidden from gallery)
- Camera Quality MOD
- Camera sound 1 is silent (if you want it back select capture sound 2 from settings)
- Homescreens:
-Finger use (Omnia - 8 icons)
-Basic (Omnia - 4 icons)
-Full Page (6 icons)
-Navigation (Satio)
-Contacts bar
( I will not add non-configurable/buggy hs. Go here if you want ORATSU )
- Changed the default Omnia HS icons
- All default bookmarks removed
- Menu reorganized:
Games, Navigation, Music, Video and Images folder added, icons will change according to theme. Some folder names will change according to language.
-Ovi Contacts, Sett. Wizard, My Nokia, Switch (also @ settings), Phone Setup, Camera, Clock icons removed from menu
-Busy cirle changed
- Some apps will be automatically placed under the right folder after install. Like Garmin, NDrive, Sygic Mobile, Google Maps etc.
- Default settings changes:
-Effects enabled
- Default OFW Theme Effect
-Touch screen vibration from level 2 to level 1
-Screen brightness lowered from 75% to 50%
-Backlight timeout lowered from 45 to 30 seconds
-Keytones off
- Lock vibration decreased around 50%
- Voice recorder at highest quality (MP4)
- Default call volume increased
- Rotate browser to landscape even when the sensor settings are off
- Can send sis/jar/mid file to other phones via MMS or Bluetooth
- Device update (FOTA) only allows you to view the current version. I've removed the "Check for updates", "Server Profiles" and "Settings" values from the option menu. No reason to leave them, you can't use them anyways.
- Nokia welcome SMS disabled
- Ovi contacts disabled
- Auto folders creation on memory card
- Font changed

- Original Navigator Theme
- 4 Nseries Themes

- Rompatcher (some patches enabled after flash/reset)
- Killme (moved important apps to protected zone)
- Autoinstaller
- Filebrowser by Nokia
- Screensnap
- Photo Browser by Nokia
- Brightlight
Patches (for ROMPatcher):
-Call log 12 Months;
-Disable Red Recording LED;
-Hack Installserver;
-Hack Open4All;
-LCD Light Always ON;
-Lock Bluetooth;
-Lock Installation;
-Lock Settings;
-Lock USB Data;
-Record Tone OFF;
-Remove Charger Notes;
-Remove Show Open Apps;
-Restart Power Btn;
-Short Multi Tap.



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:)) ;)) ;;) :D ;) :p :(( :) :( :X =(( :-o :-/ :-* :| 8-} :)] ~x( :-t b-( :-L x( =))

Silakan Komentar dibawah jika ada yang kurang jelas dan pastinya akan saya balas secepatnya. Thx sudah berkunjung ^^

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