Ini gan ane kasih khusus buat pengguna 5232, 5233, 5228 kasian kan kalo ane cuma posting CFW buat 5230 :D Walau masih CFW standart (bukan C6) tapi lumayan bagus lah buat temen2 pengguna 52xx yang ingin bereksperimen dengan hape tercintanya :)
Langsung aja gan lihat penjelasan dibawah let's cekiduttt.....
(Translate sendiri gan, ane males hehe...)
Langsung aja gan lihat penjelasan dibawah let's cekiduttt.....
(Translate sendiri gan, ane males hehe...)
Thanks To:- PrinceRM-786, ishandigipunk, I WalkWithShadow, 008Rohit, Rulgrado & Arpit982
Release Info
CFw:- ThunderBlade^2
Supported Models:- Nokia 5233, 5232 & 5228
Base F/W:- 21.1.102 (Latest)
RM:- 625
CFw:- ThunderBlade^2
Supported Models:- Nokia 5233, 5232 & 5228
Base F/W:- 21.1.102 (Latest)
RM:- 625

SplashScreen: & Shutdown Screen


<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
The patch "ReadCRoot.rmp" & C2Z are buggy. So, use them at your own risk
The UDA file supplied is blank ; It will make sure you get 78MB+ on drive C: , I think there is no use of Get Rihanna, FB, My Space etc etc, So i have deleted them to provide more space on C:
Do not worry if you experience your phone slow on first use after hardreset or flash. The first boot configures the device and all optimizations. So have patience during 1st boot!
Run AutoInstaller to quickly install many usefull applications ( Apps are provided Below In packages)
The UDA file supplied is blank ; It will make sure you get 78MB+ on drive C: , I think there is no use of Get Rihanna, FB, My Space etc etc, So i have deleted them to provide more space on C:
Do not worry if you experience your phone slow on first use after hardreset or flash. The first boot configures the device and all optimizations. So have patience during 1st boot!
Run AutoInstaller to quickly install many usefull applications ( Apps are provided Below In packages)
1) Connect your phone to PC in Mass Storage mode and delete "system" , "resource" , "sys" and "private" folders from Memory Card
2) If your MMC is locked by a password then REMOVE the password
3) Never FORMAT Memory Card after flash
4) Need to do Hard reset after flash
First Boot Optimization (Ignoring this will result in a buggy phone)
1) After flash operation, when the country selection appears , wait for a minute or two, after that fill all the enteries.
2) Do not press any key untill the homescreen appears
3) Now wait until you get this message "Applications installed"
4) After that do a restart

- Highly Increased Application/Gaming frame rates
- Increased Response Rate,Now touchscreen will be more responsive
- UI Accelerated
- Phone will never slow down and the RAM won't be decreasing due to RAM Cache Mod
- 78MB+ on C:
- Kinetic Scrolling everywhere
- Real Hack ie. No Use Of Installserver Patch
- Nokia SMS sending on start disabled completely (so no balance deduction)
- Default Bluetooth Name Changed To :- ThunderBlade v2
- General Profile Also Named To ThunderBlade v2
- Browser Cache increased to 10MB and moved to E:\
- Super Boosted Screen Rotation
- Delivery Reports Are ON by Default
- Hidden Menu Mod Used (cont. Manager, Themes, Profiles can now be shown up in menu)
- Saved Sent Message value has been set up to 999 by default
- Touch Screen Vibration has been disabled in “ThunderBlade v2” profile i.e GENERAL profile
- Cache has been moved from C: to E:
- Default File manager is now capable of sending files.
- Widget Security Disabled
- Lock Unlock vibration has been disabled
- RollerCoaster Game removed
- Display Light timeout had been set to 45 seconds by default
- Light intensity set to 80%
- Shazam App Added
- Music player will read only E:\Sounds\Mymusic
- Nokia N8 kinetic scrolling used
- Default Nokia N8 tunes used

• NEW ThunderBlade splashscreen & shutdown screen used
• Xtreme menu ( see screenshots)
• BootScreen Volume set to max
• HTC start up animation used
• C6 default menu circle used
• Default Fonts used
• ZoomExtreme Effects used

- Download manager will be started on browser start-up to resume
- Cache moved to E:\ and increased to 10MB

- Nokia default file browser can send sisx, sis, jar and any protected items via bluetooth, mms and uploads
- Nokia default file browser will show system folders and root folder (When ReadCroot.rmp Patch Is Enabled)

• Camera sound is disabled if Capture tone#1 is used
• Camera will not leave in background after close it (SAVES RAM)
• Camera quality highly improved utilizing full 2 MP Camera

- Nokia N8 Red (DEFAULT)
- Nokia N8 Blue
- Nokia N8 Silver
- Fresh^3 BY BabiNokia
- C6 Theme
- Ipad Theme BY DSMA

- OVI Maps 3.06 (Removed In all Versions)
- RomPatcher+ (autostart enabled)
- Best Screensnap
- BT Switch
- Nokia File Browser
- Vivaz Conversations App (Integrated in messaging and in applications folder)
- ThinkChange AutoInstaller (Must Run After Hard Reset
- Music Stopper
- RamBlow
- Touch Restart
- Zip Manager (Very usefull for those who download files directly to there phones)
- Kill Me
- PhoNetInfo
- SpeedyGO
- JBakTaskman (Run AutoInstaller after Hard Reset)
- SmartMoviePlayer (Run AutoInstaller after Hard Reset)
- Widgetizer (Run AutoInstaller after Hard Reset)

- IPhone v1.5 by Lilan (+1 to her please)
- Basic
- contacts bar
- Finger Use
- Full Page
- Navigation Bar (Satio)
- Oratsu i.e Tsunami (Run AutoInstaller after hard reset to install)
- Vodafone
- Orange
After the hard reset you must run the autoinstaller

================5233/5232/5228 (RM-625)================
Bagi yang belum paham cara memasukan CFW silakan klik DISINI
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