Tutorial Flashing Lengkap

Mungkin para pembaca blog "s60v5 lover" yang baru, agak bingung atau bahkan tidak mudeng sama sekali cara membuat hape 5230 menjadi hackable karena mungkin kurang mengikuti blog ini dari awal sampai ter-up to date :)


Cara Pasang GDesk (untuk GDesk tipe apapun)

Mungkin sudah banyak dari pengguna s60v5 yang tahu apa itu GDesk. Ya, GDesk adalah tidak lain dan tidak bukan (weleh.....) sebuah permainan tampilan yang hampir keseluruhan mengambil tema Homescreen dan tampilannya pun sangat menarik-menarik.

RSS Icons

Cara Memasukan Bahasa di CFW dengan Nokia Editor V0.2

Terbilang tutorial yang sudah lama sih, ya dari pada gak ada yang diposting lebih baik memberi tahu para agan2 yang masih bingung memasukkan bahasa ke CFW. Tapi buat yang sudah mahir utak-utek CFW, skip aja Tutorial ini oke :)

Blogger Templates


Untuk menghemat memory telpon, biasanya kita menginstal beberapa tema maupun aplikasi kedalam Memory card. Karena ada hal sesuatu mungkin bermasalah dengan hape atau sekedar mengupgrade versi, akhirnya kita meng-Hardreset atau mem-flashing.

Nokia 5230 RM588 v40.6.003/c6v40.0.021 I©ebeat™ Symbian Belle Edition

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Update Change Logs: [10/26/2011]

- Smileys in text messaging has been fixed [credits to notreve & jomar]
- Added new default themes [credits to binh24]
- I©ebeat™ deafault themes revised with transparent pop-up [credits to refsuj06]
- Fix menu button will not light up brighter than the other,
will not blink before turn off the lights all buttons, etc. [credits to mara]
- You can turn Off green,white,red key light in rompatcher

FIX keylight:

- Dimming (Touchscreen behavior) is working now - when dimmed and when you press something on screen,
full lights will be back but nothing will be pressed.
- Lights will turn off properly when autolock is disabled
- All lights will be turned on when entering SIM code
- All lights will be turned on when there is an incoming call
- All lights will be turned off when charging (phone on or off)
- Screen and lights will turn off instantly when security lock is activated [credits to dan-av]

Change Logs:
- 4x5 Potrait 6x2 Lanscape
- Show Open Apps mod from Blink Mirage
- Battery Mod by devilbats17
- Boost phone speed V3
- Calls Person Icon s-3 Anna ByDjRaz
- Tactile feedback in calls (v2) ByDjRaz
- Ui acceleration n8 By DjRaz
- Improved Rotation Speed N8 ByDjRaz
- N8 Touch Sense S^Belle ByDRaz
- Open,Close Apps Speed N8 ByDjRaz
- Icona Memory DjRaz
- Camera Quality Modifications
- Decrease theme preview time
- Faster scrolling in Music player
- Kinetic Scroll [no brake]
- N9 icons pack [credits to Vova1609,johnrey22 & refsuj06]
- Positive/Negative Battery Icon
- Network Icon
- TV Out Theme Effects
- "Message:" has been removed
- Integrated ShutDown,Restart & Rompatcher3.1
- New Set-up of XM Mediabar
- Notification Graphic mods by drakulaboy [changed notification icon in to red]
- Symbian Belle Navi Bar [credits to jomar, badvlad, furcom, babu.rajiv2007 & kandongango17]
- Updated Nokia Web Browser to /

Path for media files:

Music,mp3 = e\music\
Videos = e\videos\

Path for Startup/Shutdown Animation/Tone:



- Install Device Lock v1.00
Quickrotate v1.00 [provided below]
to run applications in Mediabar...

QuickRotate v1.00 Device Lock v1.00 S60v5 S^3 S^3 Anna Belle SymbianOS9.4 Signed.rar



and to all cfw makers who help me,,thanks also to DM...

Optional Choice to change your Mediabar

N9 mediabar,Music,Photo,BTSwitch,Video,Web

FOR RM-588 V40.6.003

I©ebeat™ 5230.RM588v40.6.003c6v40.0.021.rofs2

[RM 588] 5230 v40.6.003 Core UDA

FOR RM-588 V50.0.001

I©ebeat™ 5230.RM588v50.0.001C6v41.0.010.rofs2

RM 588 V50.0.001 Core Uda


Nokia 5800 RM-356 STEALTH™ Based N97v30 / OFW v60 with BELLE NAVIBAR + C6 structure )

Saturday, October 29, 2011
Maaf ane cuma iseng2 pengen ngisi blog soalnya symbian v5 sudah termasuk OS jadul dibanding dengan OS terbaru seperti android tapi tak apalah namanya juga iseng jadi ane isi dengan CFW 5800 buatan anak Indonesia :)


CFW Name:Prototype^4.1 Final
CFW Creator: Leftrand
Model :Nokia 5800
Supported RM's :RM-356
Base Firmware : N97v30
Languages Present :English+Indonesia (Default)

Credits :

Thanks to binh24 for N97v30 port

Mods and Resources :
dan-av,mara-,CODeRUS, 008Rohit

10202be9 (Cenrep) Description Files :
Szakalit, CODeRUS

Spesial Thanks To:

-Anggarawa (Fixed Tap2Unlock,6Page Symbol)
-Mahaputra Hidayat (The Advise)
-Adnan Ha (Beautiful Splash Tuber)


- Messages sent by you will be saved up to 500 messages
- Delivery reports ON by default
- Messaging application no longer lags when containing large number of messages.
- 3Row Qwerty + Alphanumeric added with Auto rotate QWERTY + 2x6 Landscape Grid + Small button in landscape
- Default memory assigned to C:/ for better performance
- N8 Emotions Support
- 6 page symbols support (Anggarawa)


- Full Anna icon (areku,binh24,vova1609)
- Default theme uses WP7 By Mayank
- All Lags in Menu removed
- Optimized to run very fast and smooth (Tweaked Kinetic Scrolling in Menu)
- Videos and TV folder edited to "Videos"
-4x4 Grid in Potrait
-4x5 Grid in Potrait(Modified By Me)
-6x2 N8 landscape layout for Menu

- Camera will not leave in background after close it (SAVES RAM)
- Voice recorder set to High quality
- Voice Recorder will save the file in E:\
- Camera Image Quality improved
- Camera already in use bug solved
- Gallery searching improved
- Camera Touch UI Fixed
- OVI Music removed from Music Homescreen
- Video Capture predefined frame rate increased to 30fps
- Music Player will read E:\Music\
- Music player will refresh faster
- Photoflow In Gallery (Install Photoflow)sunnybora40
- UC Player In Video and TV (Install UC Player)sunnybora40
- Lanscape icon battery djraz
- Added Audio Codec By Pirates
- 5 Additional Equalizer added (Provided with uda.fpsx)
_ Changeable Splash and Shutdown (Place SplashScree.mif/SysAp.mif In C/Resource/Apps)
_ Theme effects chidori with Nonstop Linghtning On HS (Modified By Me)
- Nokia default file browser can send sisx, sis, jar and any protected items via bluetooth, mms and uploads

- New Web Browser 7.3.1
- Supports HTML5
- Download manager will be started on browser start-up to resume
- Browser will prompt to continue download if connection breaks due to power failure
- Browser Cache set to C:\
- Default Homepage set to http://www.ovi.com
- Auto form data save activated

- Java permission is set to default

- All lights bugs are fixed (Lighter and Dimmer according conditions)
- Green Charging light disabled.
- Breathing light OFF by default
- Tap to unlock (Notification .r327 Fixed) Thanks Anggarawa
- All lights off when charging in Switched OFF state
- Lock/Unlock vibration removed

- Prototype^4 customized SplashScreen and ShutdownScreen By Adnan Ha
- Bootscreen Volume set to : 10
- Custom Boot/Shutdown animation locations -

- Widgetized Nokia C6 Homescreen
- Full widgets support
- 5 Additional shortcuts bar. Total : 6
- Swipe to clean HS (clock widget removable)

- Increased fps to get better quality shots
- camera completely fixed
- "camera already in use" bug fixed
- Touch UI capture button working

General Modifications :
- Changeable SplashScreen (Just put SplashScreen.mif and SysAp.mif to C/Resource/Apps/ ) Credit CODERuS,PRAKASHKARAN,UPAKUL.
- Full ANNA IconPack is used. (With 0 bugs) Now icons change according to the theme applied.
- PC/OVI Suite will recognise your phone as Pro V^4.1
- Camera will not eat RAM after closing it.
- Default bluetooth name: Prototype^4.1
- FOTA reserved space removed to get more space in C:\ (Phone Memory)
- USB now will name as Pro V^4.1
- Voice recording during call fixed. Your phone won't crash if you record and call someone at the same time.
- RAM Cache in C:\ for better performance
- Blazing Fast Screen Rotation
- CPU load decreased (Get a very fast phone)
- Disabled My Nokia Service. It will prevent phone to send premium message to 5555 (Nokia) after first boot.
- Zero start up of background applications
- Auto optimization of RAM cache for keeping up your phone faster even after heavy usage
_ Clean Startup 66mb (Heavy usage won't down under 50mb)
- Default Web Browser bookmarks are edited.
- Lags in Menu removed. The Kinetic Scrolling is optimized
- Breathing light is OFF by default
- Digital clock set as default.
- Operator Logo ON/OFF settings available in homescreen settings
- Delivery Reports ON by default in Messaging
- Theme effects are OFF by default
- "In call timer" ON by default
- Profile "General" Back to default
- Homescreen landscape enabled. Dialer landscape disabled.
- Tap to unlock respect sensor orientation.
- Changed the default widgets layout. Nokia Notifications with symbian anna icons By akshay5233
- "ShareOnline" button replaced with "Delete" in Photo Gallery, A mod by dan-av.
- Now you can set AutoKeyguard Lock time.
- Now Music Player will not return you to Menu after exiting it.
- Mediabar modified (Share online replace with BtSwitch,Web Replace With OperaMini6)
- "Power Off" button wont take you to HS.
- Gallery loads faster
_ 3D Photo View Replaced with Photoflow
- Default Nokia Tone and Message tone from Nokia Symbian Belle

Performance Upgrades:
- Now Feel The battery consumtion different
- 80% CPU USED
- Highly Increased Application/Gaming frame rates
- Increased Response Rate (Now touchscreen will be more responsive)
- CPU frames render was increased.This will result in a smooth phone experience.
- Graphical Complexity reduced. Performance Booster without any side effects.
- Music Player response highly increased (Instantly pauses/plays on clicking the buttons)
- Reduced effects complexity which should result in a speed increase
- Increased Heap Size further to boost up performance
- Lags in Menu, messaging and Other Large Applications removed
- Polished the UI for heavy usage
- Phone will never slow down and the RAM won't be decreasing (RAM Caching modded)
- 79MB+ on C:\ (Phone memory)
- Smooth Kinetic Scrolling
- Music Player is now a lot more faster!
- CPU mod optimized to get complete stability and a great battery life!
- Qt And Qt Mobility Installer Fixed ( Use file Provided)


All Default Themes, OVI Maps 3.04, Chat, Podcasting, Image Print, OVI Contacts, OVI Music, Here and Now, Online Support, Voice Commands, Phone Switch, My Nokia, Quick Office, Adobe Reader, Message Reader

Applications Added in Rofs: BTSwitch 1.0, Rom Patcher 3.0, KillME 1.36, AutoInstaller , Nokia File Browser,Ovimap 3.06 (688)Working Check in,PocketPing_v0.1.1

Run AutoInstaller if you need:Best Screensnap v3.0,BTSwitch _v1.0,DzMusicKey_v2.0,MemCheck_v1.0


If you dislike the Boot Animation effects and sound, U can disable it by deleting folder named "Boot" in E:/

Please Note:
1. Before Flashing please delete folders Private, Data, Resource, cities, Sys, System and any other folders from Memory Card which are not used by you.
2. Before Flashing Hard reset Phone Recomended
3. Please Use UDA.FPSX Provided,your splashscreen will be show big blank X if not but the phone boot fine.
4. After successful flashing, wait for sometime till all the widgets gets loaded to the Homescreen.
5. Do not Hard Reset after flashing,you will lost 5 additinal equalizer and the splash.
6. Do not tick Factory Set (Will Lost What i've provided in UDA)

>>> Dowload Section <<<

Restart button instead keylock is back along with changeable SplashScreen.

>>> CORE V52.0.007

>>> CORE V52.0.101



>>> QT 4.7.3 INSTALLER

>>> QtMobility+Photoflow+UcPlayer+5AdditionalEqualizer

>>> For Email Please Use 3rd Soft

>>> Fix MediaBar Photo
Paste frmediatoolbar.dll to rofs2/Sys/Bin/
Or Paste to C/Sys/bin/
and use mediabarmod.rmp in the zip.

kalo copas cantumkan sumbernya ya..... Protected by Copyscape Web Copyright Protection
Link Alternatif: s60v5lover.blogspot.com